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Sewing Machines THE SINCER, 1TEW DOMESTIC, And fh.e HOWE And several goot! Seeond-TTamT Maebinp at th SEWtNU MACHINE OFFICE, Ann ArW. Als Needies for all Machines The vcry best that are msule, and attachmr;uis anc parts fr nearly all inachiaes. SÍNGER MACHINES Rspaired better thnr tlian anywhere else In Aniurica. If your mwitiine dou't work wi-11, trad it for out thai does, urbtve it repaired. All ma chiues old un easy poffiaciits at the office. Second door ernst f Post Office, Ann Arbor, Hicii. (155C) I. L. BINNELL, Agent. EORGE W.ROPSEY, Late of the firm of Clark A Cropsey, and A Kkarnky, late uf 'IVxus, uder the ürm name o KEARNE f & CROPSEY Have establiahed Uhhm'Iws at No. 33 South Tliiin si., Aun Arbor., aud progne tu do genero] Grocery Business They will also hrcop CROCKERY, GLASS and WOODEN WAB'S, and a full Une of DOMIiSTIC and FOKEIGN KUUITS. Thcy havo fitted aud furuished A. First-class Eating Department, "Vhere Mcals can bc had at all bours, or board ly the week. Caah pald for nutter, Egt, and all Country produce. G oods prompt deltverd In uny part of the city. Remeinber tlie place. 33 South inaJn Street. KEARNEY & CBOPSEY. Ann Arbor, April 26, 1876. 1580 THE HILLFARM FOR SALE. Adjoinlng the West line ot theCity of Ann Arbor, in township two Houth.of ranc ix east, corapriuiiijf the east half of ttne northeiuit qunrter uf section nineteen ; and t) uit part of the west half of tlie went half of the n Orthweat quurter of eectiou t wt'iity , lying nor t h af the turnpike ; in all 1042-10üaores, witb House, Bani, an CTnfailing Spring of Water, And about ilfty acrex well improvod : rlrst clins land and eitutition b inutiful. Two-thirds of the purclmsc money may rcniaia on thu land three to ftve yearfl. For terms apply t OÏO.E.HAXI), OrU.J. BEAKKS, Diitroit. Ann Arb.W4 _ 1574tf Yisitors to the Centennial, YORK BALTIMORE ASD WASHINGTON, TAKE ÏTOTICE! 'l'luit the Cl rvrlnud Meamen NORTHWEST, E. K BIOE, eave M.C. R. R. -wharf, Detroit, daily at 9 Vli ck p. in., except Suudays. Thia line haa nranged a system of liïeket via Okvelnnd whoreby ver 300 routoB can 1 e made to PnilndelpUla nd ÍVew York, oin and returning by any route deBired. Nu oilier line oan oLl"er such a vanety of route. I c Tickets for aale at pníncipal Railroad Offices, on Mard ateamern and. at Oompnuy't ottice, foot of x helby at., Detroit. !" I. CARTER, Afrent. 5ILL HEADS A ND STATEMENTS AT TB Jï ARGUS OFFICE, s ■Corner Main and Hurón Street. Northern Central R. Ë. Co. MOST DIRECT ROUTE TO THE " CENTENNIAL." Through la 27 houiB from Detroit, as peí che ule of passenger trains below : [Via Canada Southern Ballway.] Leave Toledo, G 10 m U Vi a i " Munrotí, 6 "2 p ni 11 15 a 1 " Detroit, Cï, p ni 12 j, , , [Via (reat Western R'y] P M A M P H Leave Detroit, 6 28 4 20 12 20 [Via Gruml Trant K'y] P M A M A M Leave Detroit, 5 45 - SO 7 80 [Via New York Central R. R.) A M A M P M P M Le. Niágara Falls, 4 00 7 ;i 14S 8 10 Suspension Bridge, 4 20 7 : 2 00 8 00 Búllalo, 4 33 7 45 1 50 50 Rochester, 7 30 ", 8Spm 6 30 12 20 :i m [Via Nuri hem Central K'y.] AM I' M PM AM A Le. Cenandaigua, 9 45 4 40 G 65 1 45 l'i'iin Yao, 1102 5 53 7 4S 2 42 Watklns, 12 n 7 oo 8 37 3 38 s oo Ar. Havana, 12 27 7 09 8 43 8 0 Elinlra, i 30 8 lo 0 30 4 30 9 00 Troy, 888 10 3'J 6 84 11) 0 Minnequa, 4 U9 11 (l( 6 02 10 38 Williainsuort, 610 12 S5 7 40 12 2 Northumberland, 12 40 9 25 2 0a Sunbury. 12 50 2 00 9 35 2 1 Harrisb'urg, 2-1.) 8 65 1140 4 1 Ualtimore, ' '■'"' 6 2G 7 8 Washington, 9 02 JO7 9 0 PhUadelphla, 7 on 7 ;i." :!: 7 2 New York, 10 10 10 2.T 1 4.". 11) 2 Passengers by tliis route have the privilege o stopping oll' at any point, and of visiting Washinj ton City without extra charge. Nodust. Road thoroughïy stono bollasted, an( itj passenger t niins art' Oqulpped willi every knuw iraprovemeut for the DOBTeiuenee and safety oí' pa sengers. The far-fanitil Watkin.s Cien being located on th direct line of Northern Central Railway passenget can take it in on their to tliu CtMttunnial, t teMng tbc E7orthern Central Ratlway. Be sure your tickets read via New York Centra and NorthVmi Central Roads. Information giren on application to Western Passenger Agent. I). M. BOYD, ,Tr., Gen. Pan. Aaent. Sam'l L. Seïholr, Western Passenger Agen Búrlalo, N. Y. 1591tf THE ENEMY OF DISEASÊT THE FOE OF PAIN TO MAN AND BEAST. ■ Is tli e Grand Old MXJSTATsra LINIMENT Which has stood the test of forty yeure. There is ni 8ore it wiil not heal, no LameneBS it will not cure, no Acho, no Pain thut athictr the Hutniin Hody, or tlie Body ot a Horse or other domestic iniiiuül, thut does not yield to its magia xuch. A bottle costinsr 2üc, íOc, or $1.00, has oleo aaved the life oí 11 hunuin being, and reatored a life and u.sefulnes& manj a valuahle liorse. U ;irUiI thv lllIiest ittcrial at Vlt-nna. E. & H. T. ANTHONY & CO. 501 Rrotitlway, New York. COpp. Metropolitan Hotel,) 1Ianufaetiircr8, luiportcrs & Dealers in CHEOMOS and REAMES, STEREOSCOPES & VIEWS, Albums, ÜBAPHOBCOi'F.s, and Süitablk Vu:ws, Photographic Materials. o - We are Headquarters for overything in the w&y of TEKËOPTICONS & JtUUC M'l'i:C.S. Being mauufactnrers of the inOEO-SCIENTIFIC LANTBEN, BTEHEOPANOPTICON, UNIVEKS1TY PTEUEOPTICON, ADVBRTIvSElt'S STEUEOPT1CON AKTOPTICON, ICHOOL LANTERN, FAMII.Y I.ANTERN PEOPLE'S LANTERN. ïach atyle being the best of its clasain the msrket. Catalogues of Lanterns and Slides with directions for using neat on application. Any enterprising man can mke moncy with a litir Lantern. 1571 SCut out this advertiaoment for referonee..a RAILROADS. .HIOIilVAN CENTRAL KAILRoaiH MAY 28, 1876. OOIJIO WLT. ======= ?_ p_ L_?__p i A.M. A.M V.M. l'.M. ï.u "" Jetroit.leave. 7 00 lu 05 2 o 4 00 6 OOI 1 i. T. Juuction. I 7 15 UI 20 3 05 4 Ij! 0 1} i' JuucliuD 7 57 1114 S 32 4 50' li 47 in ïpsilanti, 8 3111110 3 51 6 8 7 12, f AunArlwr, i 8 56 11 20 4 13 5 45 745, Uoxter, 1 M 4 35, 6 06; 8 lo ;helsa, 9 4:!j_ 4 47 6 23 8 T Uruss Lake, 10 07 i 5 15 6 49 8 55 """ ! ' Tackann, Ar., 10 40 12 32 6 46 7 15; 9 s m Iiickson.Lv., 10 45 12 37 aai :i: AlWon, !ll 35 1 14 10 ■. m. :- ■ o Marshall, li :i 1 f4 Z " 10 58 , . BnUleUreek. j 1 00 i IJ -1 11 3; j' :inlesburg. 1 31 a. m. 1ï ló K--.1.WI1HI ..., 1 52 3 03 4 00 12 iö Tl Luwton, 2 35 4 41 1 05 l Decatur, 2 52 5 00 1 35 " Dowagiao, 3 10' 5 26 1 jj " Niles, -1 IJ I 21! (i 10 2 30' i"t [inchanan, 3 69, o 26 245 Ihrc-.'Onks 4 2S 4 55 7 04 3 23 7 N. w liulfiilü, 4 43 6 08 7 21 8 Michiyau CRy, 5 10 5 35 r 50 4j7 tike, 6 4Si 8 14 b 35 4 6ii '. Kcnsinston, 6 4.)' 7 15 9 35 i .ï Chie;iiLu, arrive, 7 30 8 00 10 ïo 6 30 'J OOINO EA8T. _?__ _ p_ i_p II I A.M. A. M. P. M. P.M. p. „ " ''hlcMfo, leave, ! 6 00, 9 00 4 00 5 15 900 Keonington, 6 45 9 4" +45 6 57 9 43 Lake, i -v 10 -i 1 5 :so (I 43 iu 25 Michigfln City, 7 32 11 00! 6 30 7 40 11 15 Xew Buffalo, 7 6S 11 20 (i í5 11 35 Three üak, 8 OU 11 32 7 09 8 11 11 47 Tiucliniian, 8 45 i 7 50 12 'u Niles, 9 0'' 12 09 8 20 8 55 12 .15 ' D'iwiiKiac, 9 27 8 4ÍI 1 m Decatur, 9 52 9 1 5 1 25 Lawton, 10 10, 9 85 Kalunaxoo, 1 v 1 3o 10 10 10 26 2 15 tmlesbinir, 11 12 2 38 Baltle Creek, 11 5: 2 17 . 11 09 8 II P. M. - H Marshall, 12 45i 2 SS = W 11 35 3 4; Albiou, 1 14 3 10 ? 11 55 4 ü; I A.M. L. Jackson, Ar., 3 08 3 65 a. m. 12 40! 4 5S r Jnckson, Lv., 2 lij 4 ) 7 "ii U 4(1 4 Ji " Urass Laku, 2 4.' 7 3 i;j s Chelaea, 3 10 ! ] 7 56 i 50 in DexU;r, '■'. üi S 13 Ü 08 I AnnArbor, 3 52 5 15 8 3G 2 00 6 ÏS 1' í Ypsiluuü. i i:. : js s ... _ l; ., . Wtiyne Jnnc, 4 4-ï , 5 45! 9 23 2 40 1 0811 11 8. T. June., 5 30 o 10 10 oi 3 13, ; 45 - Uetroit, Ar., I 5 451 6 25 10 15 1 3 30 8 001} dundnys excepted. ?3aturday and áundaja ceptod. fjüuily. H. 1). LEDYARD, Gen'lSupt., Debat H. C. Wkntworth, Oen. Pass. Agt.. Chicago. DETROIT, HILLSUALElÑi ANA KA1LROAD. OOINO WL8T. - 1876 - QOIXO liR, STATIONS. Jlai.. Exp. STATIONS. Kxp. ÏC A. M. P. M. Detroit, dep... 7:iJ 6:00 "■'' Ypsilanti.... 8:35 7:16 Bunkers 6:00 ;i ' Saline 9:20 7:45 Hilbidale ... 6:M H tBridüwnter.. 9:45 7:57 . Manchesier.. 9:15 !■]! Manchester. 10: 8 8:00 Bridgewoter 9:45 o P. M. Saline .10:10 lü Hillsdale 1:15 10:00 Ypsilanti.... 00:55 i Bunker 1:30 10:10 Detroit 12:30 IJi TraiiiB run by Chicago time. To take eliect , April 10, 1876. W. f. PAKKER, Bup't, Ypailuti. CentBiial ExII PHILADELPAIA, PA. riiriS Ort'Rt Internationa] Exhibition, deaint. A lo comineniorate the One Ilundredth AiimitfsarV of Ameríoan Indi-pndern:', "pciied MayiiiL and wlil close Kovember íoth, 1870. AUtlieN tiuns of tlie World :mtl all the States and 'ferrit ries of thu Union will particípate, lri n _-i n rw-.-tí.er the most coiuprebuusive collection of art trt tires, mi!chanical inventions, selen tifie discoveri mauuláetuiing aefaieremente, mineral speciin, and agiicultUTal producto ever exhibí t-ed. Tfe grounds derotod to the Exhibition are situated os llie of the Peuusvlvauia Kailmail, and Ui.brace four faundred aod fifty acres of Fairmonu ltrk, all .higlily Liuproved and ernaiuenud, a whicli ure erected the hirgest buildings ever e struoted, - five uf these coveriug an área of flJtj i acres, and costina &,ooo,0uo. The total nuraber I baildlnga erected for the p'arposes of the Exhibitiou is over one bundred. The P.nnsylvania Eailroad, THE GflEAT TRUNK LINE. AND FAST MAIL EOUTE OF THEU.S, will be the inost direct, convenïent and econumio! j. way f reacbing PhUadelphia, and this greai ■ liibiüoii trom all sectíoiu of the country. Ii f. tiains to und íroni riiiliuklpliia will pass through a UKANO (JKNTÜNMAL DiU'OT, whu-l. :_!.: Company have erected at the Main Em ranee toü I Kxhibitiun (i ron mis, for the accommodfttioD ■ passeugen who wisli to stop at or start fruui t nuiuerou large hotels conliguous tu tliís statiM and tlie Kxhibition, - a convenieneeof the greatat t valué to visitors, and atlorded exclusively by ib I PemuyUanla Bailroad, which is TIIK ONLV LINK RUNNING DIRECT Tu TUE UENTENJft AJj BUILDINGS. Excursión irains will aUi -:■-■; at the Bncampment of the Patrono of Husbaudrji p at Elm Station, on this road. j=-The Pennsylvania Bailroad is the grana I railway orga&izatioD in thu wurld. It controi! t suven thouMind miles of roadway, ft)riníiigcoDtit" I liona Philadelphia, New York, liultimor. f and Washington, over which luxurkms day ai í uight L-ars ;irt' run fruin ('liñ-ao, Si, Louis, Lnui" vilíe, Cincinnati, Indianapolis, Columbns, ToleJci Cleveland, and Erie, without change.0r lts main line is luid with doublé aud third traífc of heavy steel rails, upon a deep bed of bvUttí stone balla-st, and its bridges are all of Iron í 8tone. lts passenger traius are equipped . ry kiHiwn unprovement for comfort aud safetyt a I art run at faster speed for greater dista tices tbu 1 the trains of any Iiue ou the continent. Ti pany has laively Increased its equipment i teunial travtïl, and it will he prepared to build, i its own shops, locomotivos and passenger can a' short uotice, sulliciunt to accommodatti an) deinand. Tlie unequaled resourcus at the coi of the Company guarantee the most perfeel modatitins lor all itö patrons during the CeuteQfl1 al Ëxhibition. THE MAGNIFICEKT SCENEEY for which Ib ; Pennsylvauia Railruad issojustly celebrated, pi senta to the traveler over its perfect Road everchanging panorama of river, mountain, u landseapc views onepualed in Amerioa. THE EATINíí-STATIONy on tiLisline are a I surpasaed. Ucals will be furnlshed at auiuw hour.? and ampie time allowed for enjoytng them. EXCUKi?ÍON ÏK'KKTs, at n-duced ratea, wffl I be sold at all principal Kuil road Ticket Offices 10 the West, Northwest umi Southwest. #3r-Xk sure that your tickets read via the Penusylv.Miia Eoutê to the Centenniul. FRANK THOMSON, D. M. 1JOYD, Jr., General Manager. Gcn't Pass'r Aj'National Centennial Eoute TAKE THE Baltiore&OMoR.S. THE ONLY DIRECT ROUTE TO THE CENTENNIAL VIA. WASHINGTON CITY ! By this line paasengois ure Uinded at the Cntennml tiround, or at Urotid a ud Pine Streets, to vicinity of the leading hotel in l'hiladelphia, the y may prefer. Holdíri of Throuh Tickets CAN STOP OFF AT THE National Capital! And viMt the Government Buiutings and he mmy objeets of interest in aud ubout' Washington City. Travelers tteeiriug A SPEEDY, PLEASANT & COMFOETABLE TEIP Should remember that the Baltixnore & Ohio Hailroad s celebrated for ite elegant Coaches, Splcntlitl nofls, i.i.iinl and lieautiful Mountuin und VaitóJ BenezTi and the many poiuts of Historie interés long itB line. ►■sl'are 'will I wnys be a.s LoW r by ttiiy otlior l_.iuc. FULLXAN PALACK CAUS Ki.v riiRovaH WITHOUT CHANGE Between tbo principal WESTERN & EASTEEN OITIBS. For Throufth Ticket, Bagase CliPcks, Motent of traint. SUopiuff Car Accomuiudatiuntii &c- c, apply at Ticket OtBoo at Kil principal pointa. ORTH,SOUTII. KAST O U WEST. . E. DORSEY, L. M. COLÉ, Ass't Oen'l Ticket Ag't. (íen'l Ticket Al ' HOS. P. BARRY, THOS. R. 8HAKP. Wesfn Puíseugor Agent. Mastor of ïnunp1"1


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Michigan Argus