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Parties And Currency

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Thüre was a time whea Bot to bolieve tbat tho greeuback waa not a better urrency than gold was conaidered very unjiatnotiü; and the Demócrata and other conservativea who clung to the original sub-treasury system, and favored the oíd harmuny theory, were denounced in public and private, by the petty politiciana of the dominant party, with all the hard names that could be found in their vocabulary. But having made all the politicul capital posaible in that direotion a few montha ago a now lead was taken, and an attempt Vvaa made to charge the consorvatives with favoriug the paper currency too strongly, aa if they had beun guilty of' flooding the oountry with thoae unredeumed issues! We are not advocates of party, but we would like to aee a chango in the administration of publio affaire, tho present rulers having thoroughly diagraced thomselves and the country ; and we are not afraid to trust the Democrats upon the quostion of aound currency. They have boen on the right side of this dispute ever since the oountry gained its independence. All the United States bauka and other " suft money " projects known to our history, have fouud their origin and their advocates in tho purtisans upon the other side. And every distinot olfer to defraud the publio creditors, every attetnpt at repurtiating the aolemn obligations of the govorninent,' has come fioin tho acknowledged leader of the party now in power. We think thut thoao who established the gub-trciasury, and gave to the country the admirable system of finalice that proceded the war, may safely be trusted to uphold its honor and redeem ita plighted faith in the years to come.


Old News
Michigan Argus