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" The present depression in all busi ness and industrien of the people, whic is depriving lubor of its employmen and carrying want into so niany homes han its punoipal cause in excessive gov ernmental consumption under ïllusion of a speoious prosperity engendered b; t'alse policios of tbe Pedoral Govern ment," saya Gov. Tilden. Uncle Sam understanda the true policy and wil inaugúrate it and stick to it. - Chicag Courier. Senator Hamlin, having made every effort to prevent a decrease in tho rate of third-class postage, which was de manded by tht whole country, now seeks to obtain an increaeed appropria tion tor the railroad mail sorvice in order to restore the fast mail traine which the country as a whole caro nothing about. - New York Post, Grant has seized the flrst moment af ter the adjournment of Congress t show his hand ; and the people of tho country can see it grasps a bayonet, the point of which is turned towards th Southern States. It is a feeling not o alarm, but of indignation, that will bo raised throughout the land by the mili tary order that was issued from tho Wa Department to General Sherman. - New York Sun (Lid. Dem.) Alabaraa gets more and more one sided, Hko the jug handle, as the t'ull re turna come in. Nothing but an imme diate peace with Sitting Buil by a lib eral payraent to him and his braves fo the Custer-butchery, and the promp transfer of the whole army and a ful complement of Gatlin guns, will gwo Hayes more than a township here anc thero in the South ; and, what is worse the North doesn't look much more promising. - Phüadelphia Times (Ind.) Of course the resumption claune o tho act of January 14, 1875, will not bc repealed this session. If good for noth ing olse, it is good for campaign pur poses. What the Republicana think o: the measuro they showed in their Na tional Convention, where a proposition to indor8e it was summarily voted down - Buffdlo Courier (Dem.) There is increased evidenoe here tha the most desperate and unsorupulou efforts wiil be made by the Repúblicas extremists to stir up bad blood. Anything like pacification and the prevalence of good feeling alarrns thom anc excites their instant opposition. " Curs ed are the peace makers " is the motto of this kind of demagogue. - Mr. Nordhoff's Washington Diapateh (Iiqi.) " If Tilden were President at this moment, in less than three months we should soe our tinances on their bost feet, taxation reduced a half, and the currency in a sure way of recovory, by gentle and al most imporceptible meau8." - Parke Qodwin. Everywhere new aocossions aro daily coming forward under tho greut refoimation undor Mr. Tilden. Tbey do longor follow tbe banner upheld by Zaok Chandler and hia followers iu Washington - Babcock, Shepbord, Belknap, the Cattels, Sanborn, and Jayno, with the long list that inight be added, who still can send houest men to the rear, while they fatten on the spoils of an over-burdened and over-taxtd people. - Boston Post. The order of the Presidont - for that is what the War Department's oider really is - to Goneral Shonnan with respect to the disposition of troops in ticipation oí the coming election is one which ruay be considered trom soveral points of view. Raad by iteolf, without other light tlian its sentences sbed upon its Bubjoct, it soeins proper enough and harmleas enough ; but unluckily it ia impossible for auy thinking man to read it in this way. The ciroumstances in which it is issued throw suspicion upon it. Worse still, the facts of our political history during tho last eight yoars it inake impossiblo for thinking men to imagine that this order has boen issued for no other purpose than that of euforcing the law and securing to every man the free exercise of his rights as a citizeu. It is impossible, in thu light of our recent politieal history, not to see in this order a thruat which is meaiit to serve a partisan purpose. - Nsw York Ecening Post (Ind. Reji ) The people who imagined the election of Huyes would mean a refonnation of the abuses practiced under Grant's adininistration, have bceu fully undeceived by Morton's keynota to the campain in Indiana. lio tells us t.hat the election of Iliiyes will mean the indorsement of Grant's administration fully, and the continuanoe of it for the future. - Pittiiburglt Post. It is a good deal easier to see the reasons agaiust a Democratie restoration at this time than to seo where the votes ure uoraing from to prevent it. - SpringJield Republiean {Huyen.)


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