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Tho Centenuial Reform Club held its regular meeting on Saturday evening last. The club has a large membership and will do good work for Tilden and Reform in the coming campaign. The executive committee is composed of the followiug gentlemen, werkers every one of them : Benj. G-. English, John L, Stevens, Horatio Burch, M. D. Case, Warren Kimble, James Kelley, and N. Schmid. The club will soon occupy more commodious quarters, and will then enter the lists, armed and equipped cap a pie for the contest. It may be said, en passant, that the Chandler-Hayes people in this vicinity still continue in a state of masterty ïuactivity. Poor fellows ! They need a " General Order No. 2 " to brace 'em up. Excursions have bten the chief solace of our are-worn people during the past week. Some : the excursionista returned less heavily laden ith greenbacks and watohes than they were lien they left our peaoeful shades. Beware f pickpocket8 ! A heavily laden train of three coaches passed ManchesterSunday morning, for the campeeting at Woodstock. It is ueedless to say lat Manchester contributed her quota of pasngers. The D., H. & S. W. E. B. has an eye or business, evidently. Some ill-natured perou raight suggest that it would nee-i as many yes as fabled Argus had to make the road hat it ought to be. But the road is evidently aining, and begins to show more enterprise ud activity than it has in years before. The Southern Washtenaw Mills are still Ie. It is a great loss to our business community that this splendid property with its nequalled water and steatn power, should be ike a sleepiiig giant while the busy hum of ommerce is all about it. The revival of our aralyzed industries by the thorough reformaron of our government, will bring this mili, ke all other mauufacturiug property, iuto the ood tide of pro3perity. Our school begius lts Fall term Sept. 4th. rof. C. F. Field, B. A., University, 75, has een engaged as principal of the high school. he corps of lady teachers is unexceptionably xcelleut. Under tbe able supervisión of Prof. Miller, Superintendent, the school must cerliuly take rank among the first in our educaloiial system. The wheat market is comparatively steady. 'here is a tair amount offered, and buyers are eady but not auxious. Fnday is market day for hogs, and if Messrs. ''reemaii and Burtless continue to be as successful and popular buyers in the future as they are now, Manchester will soou be the Fork-opolis of Michigan. Ed. E. Boot, Cyrus Stevens, John Hermann, and Ei. Clarksou have gone to the Uentennial -left Friday. September will doubtles see quite an hegira of our citizens Oentennialward. Readers of the Aequs in this vicinity are greatly pleased with the spirit aud logic with whicli it is " fighting the good fight." Years give it;strength, and able management gites it influence. .♦■i.- The September numbêr of Scribner's ilonthly is a capital one, both in text and illustrations, - in serial, short story, verse, and department notes aud discussions. Scbibneb & Co., New York. -Si. Nicholas, published by the samo firm for the same month is all, in contents and pictures, that the boys and girls can ask for. It íb chock-full of healthy literature for the young gormandizdr. -The September Eclectic offers a choice bill of fare from the foreign quarterlies and magazines. The embelhshment of the number is a fine steel portrait of the Duke of Argyle. E. B. Pbltok, 25 Bond street, New York.


Old News
Michigan Argus