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-City Marshal Herrón filed his resignation yesterday. Col. Burleigh is home from New York and ,eady for busiuess. - C. J. F. Smith, an old resident of '45 to '50, gjye us a cali a day or two ago. - About 75 of our citizens leave for the Centsnnial to-day, joining tha TTmversity excursión - Steward Benuett iuiorms us that letters oí ioquiry indícate a large Law class for the coming sessioa. -J. E. Henriques, formerly of this city, is the Democratie candidato for Couuty Clerk of Marshall county, Iowa. - On the 2d inst. Justico McMahon ticketed one Jacob Harden to the House of Correction, Detroit, for 90 days. Stealing a copper boiler. -The Pioueers' Society held its anniial meeting on Tuesday. Our crowded columns prevent even a synopsis of the proceedings. - Joe. T. Jacobs has gone East and when he returns his store will be filled with seasonable and fashionable clothing. Joe kuows bow to buy aud sell. -Prof. Jones, of the Homeopathie College, has rented the residence of J. F. Miller, Miller avenue, and will bring his family here tor the coming lecture term. -James Looney is to be examined to-day on charge of "tapping the till " of Kock's salon on Washington street on Friday atteraoon Mand abstracting Í3. -A large stock of handsome (assorted col" dodger " papers juat recoived at the AbSCS office. Urder your " dodgers," circulars, tills, &c, for the coming County Fair. - EJward Duffy has gone to Philadelphia, and after taking in the Ceutennial will visit Xew York and Boston aud make his fa'l purthases. Duüy is a live business mau and his grocery trade is rapidly increasing. -The City Marshal dispensed aid and comfort to 47 families dunng August, aggregating Í165.04; distributed as folio ws : First ward, 82562; Second, $18.93 ; Third, f18.81 ; Fourth, W9.2Ü ; Fitth, Ï10.78 ; Sixth, J9.7Ü; physiciau, {15; marshal's fee, $3. -As Messrs. Sawyer, Waterman and Glazier were spoiüng for an opportunity to make each a speech the Republicans " jumped " their polein the Fiftli ward on Friday eveuing last -and they relieved themselves. ïhe pole is nowclaimed to be 173 feet long. -The oíd and dilapídated fence around the Court House Square is no more. Peter Shullers and A. S. Polhemus gave 810 for it and removed it yesterday, The Couucil propose to improve the square and put a walk around it, ba?ing the consent ot a majority oí the Supervisors. Güod. -Jacob F. Sohuh'a beautifu' gray mare turned up her toes very suddanly oa Sunday ftornoon. He asked Chas. Meyers to drive Albert Blaesa over to the park. When Meyers was returning he turned a corner too rapidly nd the horse feil and was iustantly killed. Meyers was more scarsd thaii hurt. -D. F. Almaudinger, of this city, has just completed a very neat pipe orgau for a LutherMchurch at Hossville, O'.iio. It is four f eet bysevenand eleven feet high, and has 287 pipes aud 10 stops. There are 9 frout pipes. Itis handsomely put up in ft blackwaluut and butteruut case, and orgauists who have tried itprouounce it of excellent voice and tone, 'fe is now building an organ of a latger size iorZion Cliurch of this city. Tlie Methodist Conference " went off ite !lt" on Monday (that is horse-jocky langtiage), or "goton its ear'' (that is Youug Amarlea), and resolved aud said some fooi ia h thmgs bout the Uuiveisity and Dr. Angelí. Wo fear that Bro. Fisk, Uro. Bigelow, Bro. Smart, the Bishop and others were up late the night befre and slept on a very inJigestible supper. "e can assure these good, fearful souls, that despite that annual dance - which seems to lave been the red rag or " bloody shirt " - the order and discipline and morality aud religión 'f and at the Uuiversity will not suffer a whit "i companson with Br. Haven's or any other admimstratiou. We may reier to the matter gaia when we get over laughing at the iguor'iice, folly, and assumphon of the reverend ttembers of the Conference. - Messrs. Elwood, Hickey, Jacokes, Pilcher, ""i Wortley seemed to monopol-ze the good sense and dieeretion of the Couforeuce. At the meeting of the Common Council held n Monday evening last certaiu charges were "ade against J ustice Beahan, and affidavit. presented in which the said juatice was charged 'Hi using foul language to and assaultmg ""y Attorney Mclteynolds, and a resolution as adopted directiug suit to be brought in the Circuit Court for the removal of Justice Beanau. As we understand this matter the City Attorney went into Justice Beahan's office for the purpose of directing the discontinuance of a aMt regularly aud legally brought under a city ordinance, and did so direct. The Justice ïuestioned and denied his right to dismiss any Peuáing suit, and Mr. McReynolds insisting, reque3ted and ordered him to leave his office, ad, aa he admits, used sutficieut force to eu'oree his orders, -and he claims uo more. He "nies the use of any foul or indecent lanPge, and claims that the City Attorney has no r'ght to dismiss suits, as he has repeatedly oae before another justice, and had uo right lu '1'8 office for that purpose. As several suits are now pending, growing out of the matter, We sha11 not discuss it at this time.


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