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Fauclous galns ia oil, recalling vividly the outbreak in '64, aro reported from the oil regiona. A snddon demand from abroad, or some otlier unexplained cauee, Las run the price of the oleagiuous Btaple up two and tbree dollars above the usual ratea. Thoso who held stock havo cleared enormous profit, one lacky boldoras high asfGOO.OOO, whüe a score followcd aftcr iu big bonanzas. The f.ttondaneo at the Philadelphia Expoeition is Bteadily inercasing, aHd is likely to iucroaee every week during the remainiug two months, as people uo longer feel afraid of euoountoring sr.oh hot weather as prevailcd earlier iu the seaaon . . . Josao Fomoroy, tüe Boatou boy-fiend, has had his sentencê comnrmted from hanging to iraprisonmont for lifo A terrible prize-nght was fonght the other day tttrerjiwvillo, N. J., betwoon two human brutes, uamed Weeden and Walker, in whioh the latter was killed, hia face bcing beaten and poundod till somblance oí humauity had departed. Wegden, tho conquertr, wasa blacksmith in a foumlry, and Walker was bis helper. Thov Tjero warm poraoual frionds. and yet wore le5 on by roughs and thieves to the contest which has made ono a murderer and a fugitiva, and laid the other in a diehonorable grave. A TKAiN on tho Baltimore and Ohio railroad ran off the track near Harper's Ferry, a few days ago, and rolled down an embanknient into the canal. Strange to eay, none of tho passen gera wero soriou,íly injured. The only deatl was that of Joaeph G. Shipley, the heroic en gineer, who was foimd in five feot of water wedged in hia cab, with both hands graeping tho throttlo of the locomotivo.. . John 8. Waring & Co., of Youkers, the heavics hat manufacturiug fiitn in the United States have faiicd, with liabilitiea amounting to abou $400,000, of whioh è 198, 000 ia duo to New YorU bauka. They employed 700 operativea . . . . The Oun Rock Honso, at Hingham, Mïss., a well known slimmer resort, was burned last week The loss is $150,000. THE WEST. Thk city of San Francisco waa visitad by a disastroua conflagration on the night of tho 29th uit. The large block boundod by Brannan, Townseud, Third and Fourth streeta, was ewept üway, and over 200 poor familios turned out of doors. Tho loss will aggregate about $500,000. One fireman waa killed and several injured during the progresa of the fire The boiler of a steam tlireshing-aachiuo, at work at the farm of John Harria, near Lon Jack, Jto., exploded the otüor day, killin George Cobb and a young man Pöwell, au seriousiy injuring James Steward. John Harria and a mau uamed Fotter. Adyices from Hays City, Kan., state that water spout burst iu Kill Creek Valley, Osber county, one day laat week, and flooded the en tire bottom in about fifteen miriutea. Horses and cattle, crops, etc, were swept away, anc Mrs. Brightou and her two children and Mrs Groen wore drowned. Three men were instantly killed and ai moro seriously injured- ouo of them fatally- by the explosión of a steam engine which was running a threshing-machine on the farm o; O. 13. Jones, four milea south of Dover Jliun one day last week.... A courier who left th camp of Crook and Terry on the 20th of Au gust, at the mouth of Powder river, arrived a Fort fctterman last week. The command wa then on a trail wluch was estimated at 10 Ot pou;es. Camp-fires indicated seveu diatmci bands. Thore is reason to believ that the Indiana are almost destituto of f ooc and traces left in the deserted camps indic&t that they aroreduced to the extremitv of uain raw hides for food. All the Bnake allics hav poue home, the Crows remaining. Gen Croo folly expected to strike Sittiui Bi.Il in a fe days Advicea from the Black Hilla state tlia the Indians raided the road between Cuete and Deadwood on the 20th of August and killec Weaton Smith, a minister, and tbree minerf named Ike Brown, Pollina, and Mason earrying off their stock. On the 22 Indians made a raid on a party fiv milea south of Custer City and killec Jamos Kidd, Samuel Wallace, Jacob Weilly anc Thompson. The Indiana are suppasod tó b Northern Sioux from the hostile camp on th road to the Agencies. Jones eays tlio countr is f uil of Indiana Four minere, Fred Henekauff, Sr., John Cox, August Shankerkauff a"( Frcderick Shankerkauff, Jr., were suffocatec by foul air, in a shaft near Central Citv, Col a few days ago. Shankerkauff descended int tho shaft to prospect, with a view to reBumin work on it. His protracted absence led h father to follow him, and Üie other victima fo owed tho father. All were dead before relie i oiild be brought. Accordimg to tho recent census taken at th Red Cloud Agency, it appeara that there ar but 5.000 Indians, a!l told, at that point th uumber of growing males beiug but 1,000 This census will be ueed as a basis iu the issu of rationa in tho future, and the manv back who now had rather fight thon eat will very hkely go with ompty stomachs wheu the win tor season approachea. Chicago reporta three murders in one day and it wasn't a good day for killing peop' either. Sliko O'Leary called upon his wif from whom he liad been separated and ii vited her to take a stroll. Whüe promenadin a public thoroughfarehe drew a razoranden her throat. She is not expected to recove A negro named Bmitli, in a disreputable saloon shot at a colored brother uamec " The ball missed th intended victim and perforated au African named Lynn, küling him almost instau'ly Matthew Oallaghan, after an absence from h wife of a year, returned and found hor co habiting with a colored gentleman. He arme himself with a pistol and went to the hous vhere thoy were living. Forciiig an entrañe lio reached tho bed-room jast in time to see th black Lothano BCudding through tho window He walked to the bed and liled a pistol ba ïuto the face of the woman. Tho ballet ontere her mouth and lodgtdin tüo back of her neck inflicting a death wonud. 'A coubespcmoent of tho Chicago Tribune who left öen. Te'm's caffif on the 31et o: August, reports the olurnns of Crook and Terry as haviiig soparated and moving indopondently, neither commaudor Uaviue much oxpectation of meel ing or ovortakiug at.y conRidprable body of hostiles. In fact, Sittiug l.ull ooms to have given his pursuera the slip, and tho campaigu against the Sioux to have cqmpMtely fizzled for thisveai-. ff!,t0 the mam body of the Indians uow is, or where and when Ihcv may bo expected to bc heard irom again, is a couundrum whicl mav as well bo giveu up for the present". A pmnful aud sickeuing tragedy waa receutiy eoacted in Green coimtv, Wis. Mr. Jacob Teohyok, an old and hig'hl.v-rospected intizen, Joft lus liouse in the forenoon, the ramily eupposing that ho had gone to one of the iieighbors. Iu crossing cue of the flelds on i-liw farm, in which was a hord of cattle aud LiT b""' h,e wa attacked bythelatter and killed. The hogs in the field bogan tho sickemng work of eatiug the human bodv. and wliou search was made for him in the evenin the animale hal devoured all of it but a pari of lus head and ono foot....Ouo man was Kille 1, six tDjnred, and tho machine shops verv much wreoked in Jefferaonvillo, Ind., the othcr day, by the explosión of a boiler in the roád Louisville and Indianapolis railTHE SOUTH. Advices from Decatur, Tex., aay: "Pev. W. G. Rngland, a Methodist minister, hia wife, a, Btop-íiaughter, and four sons were murdered at their liome, nix milos from lloiit.acue last Katurday nicht, by a party of diaguisêd men. lho particulars of the fieudish affair have not been received, but il is supposed that the butchery was committod for money, as the family is lich." TnE yellow fevor is epidemie at Savaiuiali, Ga., and many deatlis are reportod. WASUINOTOX. The following is the public statement for the month o' August : HixpcTcont. bands $ 984,999 650 Five per cint. bonds 712,32ó450 Total coin bomla i 07 vnc, ifu, W,ümoDey dobt.:." ::$"ü,ii.ú(Kr 60''32O'10í' Matare debt 3,021,210 Logjl tenders 369,401 316 Uerüflcatoa 01 dfjKisit 31,880 000 Jnicliolial curroucy 31,3S6,8H Uoin cortiflcates 21', 969,800 Total without interest 62,i%,447 ":V $2,176,947768 n 1T.ota.""tr"it- 292 91 Cash lu 'lreasury : Coin $62,511,930 Cwrronny n,fi66,805 Special 1 li'] !i !,■ :i b held for redomption of cortifioates ofdejmsit 31,880,000 ToUlin treasury 106,058,762 ivu [en f.isli in tho treasury $2 098,301,311 Dccreasoof ctabt duruig August .. 3 111 988 DecreaM sinon June 30, '76 4 257,403 Bonds isslied to the Pacific Kailw;iv Conjpaiiifts, jiitorest payable iu lawiu'l motfeyi Prlnwpal ofitmandlnK Cí.i IntcreFt awruril and not yct pald .... 6JI1 215 Interest paid by the Dnited States.. :)2 U80 ''18 Istcrest repaid by transportation of maUs, etc 6,924,552 Balance of interest paid by tho United statc8 25,155,666 A Washington dispatch saya tliat during tho week ending Saturday, Sopt. 2, the followiug cfmnges of statious óf troops wore made: CoBipaDy A, Fiftecnth infantry, from Fort WiuKBto, N. JI., to Fort Craig, N. M.j Company ]i, Fifteonth infantry, irom Fort Craig, N. II., to Fort Giirlaud, Coí Compauy D, fro'ni Fort Garlaud to Fort Wiuggte; hcgdiniaitcrs Sixteenth infautry from Nowport bvrtoks. B Mt. Yernon barrackH, A: O nd ■■!', Dakota ; Cotnpany n, Eleventh iufantr, to Standing Rock ageucy, Dakota Gen. :ioridan telegraphs Gen. Shermau tliat he kas uspended Agent Burko, of Stauding llock, ho, it. is believed, lias been upplying the ïostilo Indiana with beef intonded for tho military on tho frontier. Ex-Becretaky Bkistow has reuewed tho eaee of bis house in Washington The intruf tions of tho Attornoy General te United tatos Marshals, regarding tho coming elccionB, have been Issued. ïlioy charge marhals that protection must bo afforded to all itikens while registering or voting, and from violence or outrago on account of their yoteü. n cities of more thau 20,000 lobJkbit&nts, pecial deputy marshals to be appointed to carry out these orders, and soldier or civilian may bo BUïnmoned as a OOSM to assist maraliaJa n the performanca of their dution, whicli is not to bo impoded by State laws or officers. l'OLITICAL. Conobessman Clymer bas been nominatcd for re-elcotiou by the Dcniooratfi of BciIib county, Pa. The New York Democratie Stato ConVoütio'j was held at Saratoga on tho 30to and 31st uit. lloratio Sojmonr was nolmnated by acclamation for Gowvnor. Lieut. Gov. Dorsheimer was also noniinated by ncclamation for re-electiou. Tho remainder of the ticket is made up as follows : Judge of tho Gourt of Appeals, Hobert C. Earlo : Canal Comiui'ieiouer, Unriu A. Ogdon ; State l'rison Inspector, Eobert H. Anderaon The Conuecticut RepublicaiiD, in convention at New Haven last week, nominated the followinK' ticket for Stato ollicerB : Goveruor, Henry C. Robiuson, of Hartford ; Lieutonant Goveruor, F. J. Kingsbiiry, of Waterbury ; Sccrelarv o' State, Gen. F. A. Walker, of New Haven ; Treaaurer, Jeremiah Oluey, of Thompson ; Comptroller, Eii Cnrtis, of Watertown. ExPresident Tbeodore ï. Woolaey, of Yale collego, and Vou. Marshall Jewoll, woro nomiu ated for Presidoutial elector-at-Iarge The Democrats of Iowa held their State couvontion a Dos Moines on tho SOth uit. Thonominations are as toiiows : Secretary oí State, John Stuborauoh, Marión county ; Treasurer, Wesley Jones, Dos Moines couuty ; Auditor, William Groncneg, oí Pottawattamic ; Judgos of the Supreme Court, Waltor J. Hayes, Ollïjton ; William Graham, Dubuque ; Attomey Geueral, J. C. Cook, Jasper county ; Register of the State Laúd Office, Capt. N. Ó. Ridenour, l'age county Tho Demócrata of the Firat and Socond Ohio Districía (Ciucinnati) liave renouihiatcd Mesara. Sayler and Buiuing for Cougress Ilon. Bela" M. Huglios has been nominated for Governor of Colorado by th Demócrata. Gov. Jacob, of West Virginia, has'appointec Samuel Prico United States Senator, iu place o. Alien T. Caporton, deceased. EMEKAL, Upon the cali of ita president, Gen. Sber man, tho tcuth animal meeting of tho Societ of the Army of the Tennessee will be held i Waabingtou, D. C, on tho 18th and 19th of Oetober next. The American Aasociation for the Advancemcnt of SeiBnce has just held a very iiiterating session at Buffalo. The next meeting wfll bo held at Nashvillo, Tena A Toronto dispatehsaya: "The groat drougkt throughout tho province has givon riso to many bueh fircs. Live Btock is suffering in many" places for want of water, and others are drivon long distancea to obtain it." FOREIGN. A Constantinople dispatch of the 29th nlt. says: "A Cabinet conncil, at whicti all the gr&nd dignitaries were present, has resolved to depoae the present Sultan, Murad, and proclaim Abdnl Hamid. The chango will occur shortly, certainiy beforo the bc-ginning of the next Ralldan, the great annual fcast of tbe Mohammedan." A Vienna telegram of the simo date says: "ACouncU of Ministers has been hold iii Constantinople to conaider the peaco propoaala of whioh the outline lias been "given to tho Grand Vizier by the powers aoparately. Eussia strenuously opposed the condition that Servia ahould first sue directly for peace, and the Porto has abandoned its demand to that effect." It is said that 24,850 Spanish troops, of all arms, with Krupp and Placentia guns, will 6mbark al Santander and Cadiz for Cuba before Nov. 1. Telegrams from the Sorvian Capital reproaent tliat thero is a. keen anxiety among the people to hear of an armiBtice. The recent fighting boforo Alexinatz has been grcatly exaggerated, the loases being no more than a few hundred killed on the side of the Servians. A feeling ol jealousy has been arouaed between the people of the principality and the Enssians, the iufluonco of tho lattêr in tho army over shadowiug everything. To seo Servia becomo a IUiBBian dependency as the result of a war begunto secure lier complete independence of Turkey, is not what tho people want, anc they appear to be ready to welcome a peace which would aeanre them as near au approximation to complote self-government aa they possessed before the war. A coüncil of ministers and great dignitaries of tho Turkisu Empire, held on the 31st uit., proclaimed Abdul Hamid Sultan, vio6 Murad, deposed. A Belgkadk diepatch says tho Servían aimy is being rapidly reinforced and rcorganized by liuasians, who aro cressing Iioumania and Hungaiy in largo numbera, and that uince thisiuflux tho Servians have fought better and soem more likely to hold their ground againat the Turka. A London dispatch says " the hop harvosi ia progresaing everywhefo. Estimatea bBed upon truatwortliy information give the probable erop as follows : In England, two-thirds of the quantity grown in 1875 ; Germaiiy, one-quarter ; and Beltrium one-half. ' Tho new i.% per cent. United States Govornment fuudiug loan ie reported to bs popular in London, cauaiug a decline tiiere in consols. The town of Bt. Hyacinthe, a subiirb of Mc. treal, has been almost óbliterated by fire. On the 3il inst. a conflagration broke out, and, fanned by a furious wind, spread witli tueh rapidity that iu three or four hours six hundred houses were destroyed. Tho ilames ceased ouly wheu thero waa nothing more for thom to devour. A great many peoplo are rendcred houaelesa, and there is mueh auff eruig io constquenco. Tho loas ia estiuiatd at upward of Í2,OOU,000. ... A general ougagement, probably tho heavieat of the war, was fonght between the Turks and Servían- around Alexintü on Monday, Sept. 1. The Servians, according to all reporta, were defeated with sevtre loss A London diepatch of the 4th aaya "The Turk, aftcr beating the right wing of the Servians, made a flank niovemwit in tho direction of Krusovatz, their object being to reash Dcligrade. The entiro military position is clumgod. Tchernayeff is marching with the bnlk of bis armv toward Krusevatz. He has telegraphed to Belgrado for reiuforcements and the Sorvian Minister of War bas orderetl Gen. Antitchto march to Krusevatz with 12 000 men.".... Thero ia (ireat deprossion in tho irou trade of ICugland and Sootland, and an umiHiial number of failures are annonnced, throwing a great niauy peoplo out of omplovment. Atuirdoí the bueiness part of Soaforth, Canada, has been destroyed by (re An account of the fighting aiouud Aloxinatz on the lstinet., as giveu by a Loudon Timi'x correepondeut with tho Tnrk'Blt army, iudicatea that the most aovero battle of the mt was fought on that day, uid that tho Sorvian army nndor Tchernayeff was badly defeated and disorganized. It appeara tliaf the fighting waa almost oxolusivcly carried on by tlio artillfry of tho oppoFing forceo, and that the Turks, being better supplied with formidable battt-ries, approachert slowly but surcly, ailencing oce after auother of 'tho batterios of the beaicged, until, thinking furtlicr rewistauco useleas, the Sfirvian soldierj', panip stricken, began a hasty acd dinorderly retreat toward Deligrad. According to tliia correspondent the Servían losaes were very heaw.


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