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THE METHODIST FOR 1811. 1 14 NasHau Street, New York. PRICE REDUCE!) T0 $2.00. A Paper for all Christians. TO NEW 8UBSCRIHERS FOR 1877, A FREE PAPER UNTIL JANUARY. Canvasscrs Wanted. Scud for Circular. " THE METHODIST " MEETS THE POPULAR DEMAND FOR I.OWER PR10E8. Send for Specimen Copies of the Nationa Independent, Methodist Paper, specially De.voted to Fraternity among all Chntlians, and to the nterests of Mr.ihodist Layinen. Tuk Methodist will continue to bc whst it has been for sixteen years. Methodist, but not sectarían; independent, but loyal ; open to all houest discussion, but closed to all personal detrac tion; religious in matter and spirit, placing the relijjious life above ecclesiastical diiiercnces especiatly devoted to the culture of fraternal relations and sympathie among all the heir of Wesley's doctrine and spirit; attentive to public events and policy, but free froni party bias Believing in lay-representation in all legislativc action as a means of binding ministers and people together, and securing the highest cfficieney of the whole church, we shall contlnm to watch the growth of this system with inipartial solicitude for the interest of the miuistry and laity, and to favor such minor modifications o] polity or administration as mayjinercase our evangelizing power. Some special attractions are: Jst. Not less than forty sermons in the year. 2d. A serial story during the winter by a flrstclass writer. 3d. Sketch of sermons delivcred in Brooklyn and New York. 4th. Storics for children, and shoit stories for adulta. 3th. Careful notices of books, and weekly literary notes. 6th. Correspondence, including discusslons of leading qneations by eminent writers. th. Tinu-ly and bright editorial wrlting; capecially, wide-awake notes on all sorts of interesting topics. 8th. A religious paper, not a controversial one. 9th. An unrivaled condensation of cliurch news ; every important fact will bu noticed, and in good season. lOth. Notes on the Sunday-school lessons that comuiand general admiratíou. Address all orders to THE METHODIST, No. 144 Nasiau Streel, New York. 1877. Eclectic Magazine. OF FOREIGN LITERATURE. THIKTÏ-THIRD YEAR. Tbe Eclectic reprints from all the foreign Quartcrlies, Reviews, Magazines and Journals, thcir cholcest contents, including Essays, ScienTIFIC PAPERS, BlOORAPIIICAL SKETCHeS, REMINISi ] MIS OF TBAÏKI. AND AdVBNTURK, TaLKS, STOries, and Poems. The field of selection is very large, and it ia believed tnatthe Eclectic presenta a greatet varlety and highcr standard oí literature than auy periodical can hope todo thatdepends exclusively upon home talent. A knowledge of the current litcrature of other countriesis indispensable to all who would keep pace with the prognes of the human mind ; and the Eci.kctic oll'ers the best. and indeed the only, opportunlty for obtaining this knowledge within a reatonabM oompass and at a moderate price. Among the writers in recent numbers of the Eclectic are: The Right Hon. W E. GUdstone, James Anthony Froude, Matthew Arnold, Cliarles Kingsley, Robert Buchanan, George Macdonald, .Mm Ruskin. Alfred Tennyson, Thomas, Hughes, William Black, Mrs. Oiiphaut, Thos. Hardy, Willi:im Morris, Miss Thackeray, Mrs. Alexandcr, Profs. Huxley and Tyudall, R'ichard Proclor, B. A., Prof. Oweu, Dr. W.B. Carpcutcr, Max Muller, J. Norman Lockyer, Hcrbert Spencer and Othere equally eminent. Besides the regular artlolee lo the body of the magazine, there are four original editorial departments: IjItkrauy Noticks, Fornon Litkkaby Notes, Sciencb and Abt, and Vahikties. With regard to the charactcr of the selecüons, the aim of the Eclectic is to be instructivo without being dull, and entertaining without being trivial. While each number contains sonietbing t interest eveiy member of the family circle, it addresses itself particular!? to that. great body of Intelligent readers who seek proüt as wellas amusement in solid and hcalthful hterature. !3esides the 128 pagues of rfading matter, each number of the maga.iiH' containsa lint steel en - raving - usually a portrait executed In the most nrtistic inaiuu'r. Tehmh- Single copies, 45 cents ; onc copy une year, SS; two copies, S9 ; five copies, $20. Trial suuscriptions for thr.u' uionths, SI. The Eclectic and any $4 Magazine to one address, $8. Postage fret to all suïscribtrs. Address, E. E. PELTON, 25 Bond Street, New York. Brick Store, for Sale Í OFFER FOR SALE my Brick Store, Corner os Huron and Fourth streets, opposite Oook'l otel. This Is one of the most destraillo balines: ocatious in the city, and will be sold at a bargaius 1598 JOHN G. GALL. XTotice. THE Annual meeting of the Stockholdcrs of the First National Bank of Aun Arbor, will be held at thcir Banking House on Tliesday the ninth dayof Jauuary, 1877. l'olls for election will be open between 10 and 12 o'clock a. m. By order of the Board. J. W. KNIGHT, Cashicr. Ann Arbor, December 6, 1876. VICK'S FLORAL GUIDE, abeautilul Quarterly Journul, flnely illustrated, and contnining an elegant oolored Flower Ptatt with the flrst number. Price only '26 cents for the rear. The Uist number for 1877 just issued m "-i min nnd English, Vick's Floweb Sc Veostablk Oakden, ia paper 50 cents ; with elegant cloth covers. $1.00, Vick's Catalooüi- 30 illuntrations.on y i cent. Addnsi, JAMES VICK, Rooheiter, N. Y. PEOPLE WBLL BUY WHERE THEY CAN GET THE BEST and the Most for the Money. Those bargains I got when EAST, week before last, are going off rapidly. One would have thought so if they had seen the crowd that visited my store Saturday, the 2d inst. As a general thing, merchants coinplained of dullness in trade that day on account of the strom and cold, but this did not prevent a great rush for CHEAP Clothing at the One-Price Store. Get one of those cheap overcoats, for men, youths, boys and children, before they are all sold. The stock of Gloves is daily growing beautifully less. Then "pitch in" while they last, J. T. JACOBS THE One-Price Clothier, BANK BLOCK, ANN ARBOR, Sewing Machines THE SHTGES., NEW DOMESTZC, And tlie HO WE, And soveral ffood Recoml-Kand Machines at the SEWLNG MACHINE OFFICE; Aun Arbor. Alsu Needies for all Machines The Try bfsl that are iñude, and attachments and arts for nearly all nnu-liines. S1NGER MACHINES íspnired bitter thdrc tlisin anywticre clse Ín America. If your machine don't work wull, irade t for one tliat dúos, or have it ropalied. All machinas Muid un oasy paymcnts at office. Sccotid door cattt of PostOffice Aun Arbor, Mich. (1556) 1. 1,. GUINNFXL, Asreut. INSDRANCBi COHPANY. Capital, - - $3,000,000. Assets Jan 1, 1876, $6,792,649.98. Losses Paid in 55 Years, $44,760,391.71. Surplus over all Liabilities, including Re-Insurance Reserve, $4,735,092.86. Set Surplus over Liabilities, including Ke-In9urance and Capital Stock, $1,735,092.86. C. MACK, Agenti Ann Arbor. wl' A iluy at home. Agenta wknted. Outtlt &- and tarmï f roe. TRÜE & ÜO., Augutta, Me


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