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1TOTICE. THE Animal Meeting of the Washtenaw County Agricultural and Horticultural Society for the election of offieers of said Society for the ensuing year, and for the transaction of any business that may properly come before the Society will be held at the Court House, in the city of Ann Arbor, on Tuesday, the nineteenth day of December, 1876, at 11 o'cïock a. m. A f uil attondance of the niembers of the Society is requested. SAMSON" PARKER, President. W. A. Lovejoy, Secretary. 1613 WE8TEM HOMES The Lake City Journal is a local newspaper published in the midst of the Garden of the West, wbere lands may be procured at $3 00 to $f 00 per acre. The man of whatever age, capital or professlon can here make his fortune. Those contemplating a western home and competency, may be thoroughly informed by becoming subscribers to the Journal. Terms: One year, 52 00; six months, $100; three months, 50 cents ; postage paid. Address, T. B. Hotchkiss, 1611w4 Lake City. Jowa. "iTotice. (lOMTC into the enclosure of the subscriber, on or about the ninth day of October, A. D. 1876, oue grey heifer, about one and one half years old. Color: white and red, most white on back, red spots between the horns and red on the nose : middle size. The owner is hereby notified to cali. Erove property, pay charges and take the uaid eifer away. Dated, Freedom, üct. 30, 1876. JACOB FIEGEL. JOHN L. BURLEIUH, Attoroey & Counselor at Law No. 5 North Main Street, A W ARBOR, miCHIGAIV, jjtiMHIt. HILI,, ATTORNEY AT LAW, And dealer in Beal Estáte. Office, No 3, Opera House Block, ANN ARBOK. TASHIONABLE DR.ESS MAEING. Mra. "Wood invites the ladies of Ann Arbor and vicinity to eall ut her Drees-Making Room, over tlie store sf A. Bell, Washintou street. A' full linenf new and latest styles of patterna coustintly on hand. Ciuality of work warranted, and pricea made to suit the times. A share oí public patronage is reapectfully solicited. Iyl678 GET YOUR Holiday Printing AT THE ARGUS OFFICE, 'HE [LiKEWaS NEVER KNOWN BEFORE.-We end the Eino{E3n:&tl Weekly fiUsr, a fine eight Tiiige, forty-eight column paper, independent iïj poliÚm, ;;nd lirim full of ood reiding mutter. tor O1.00 per year, lt ia the lurye$t paper in the United ítatea for ,n money. Eacfa subscriber will receive & -opy (f beautifnl engrarin.0 THK PMtR, rHË POOK MAJi'ü I'UIGM). Sïzc, HxM nclifts ; a piHurethat loould pruce an drntcingrnomin ihc Land. we rIso send to eah eub;critpr a Cípy oí the Star Hluatrated Almanac. 9S Cte. extra must be sent for pacldnq iinrj rr.ziling premium. üEfir-öpecial iuducemöiits to agents. To any peroüii desiiinK toget up a club, we wilt xei,., a snntpleropy of the i'inture and acanvasucrs outfit, on leceipt of 2f ets. 'ittcimea copy ( i rhe paper f ree. Send for on h -re ■tibsrrlhin'r Tor KV ollier. 1 üJ STAR, 230 WHlnut Ht., Ciuciunatl, O. FIMu8)LiLRINTIG d0" ' " EXAMINE THE JOB LOTS IN SUITS AND OVERCOATS ClillíMM 1IUUÜÜ! PRICES TOO LOW TO TALK ABOÜT. Orloves and Mittens OF ALL STYLES. A. L. NOBLE. A DOLLAR SAVED IS A DOLLAR EARNED ! o NEW GOODS! And pricea LOWER THAN EVER. I have purchaaed in New Yurk. for cash, and I am now daily receivina one of the largest and most select stocks of Groceries in Washtenaw County, coDsisting of a full and well selected LINE OF TEAS, All of the new erop - includlng r.nupoviders, Imperial, Vuiui; ITjsons, II j sous. Japans, Oolontfs, Farinosas, ontrón s, Sonchongi, and Twankays, Together with a full line ofCOFFEES, consiatïnff of the following brands : MOCHA, OLD OOV'T JAVA, MAUACA1BO, LAGUAYRE.SANTOS and RIO, both roasted and giound ; a full and well seiected atock of SUGARS, SYRUPS AND MOLASSES, Together with everything in the line cf Pure Spieea.Canned fruits, and VcgetubleB. We have a full and complete line of BOOTS & SHOES, HATS, CAPS, GLOVES And Hosiery. AIbo, achoice assortment of Ltidies find Gentlemen's "Cnderwear Cali and examine Goods and Pricea and we will inBure aatisfaction. EDWARD DÜFFY. Maynard's Block,-1 cor. Main and Ann streets Ann Arbor, Mich. të5"HiLhest cash price paid for all farm produce. "301 .AVi:rn i; muim:i for sai,k. Alargeand very well built bnek house, with two or more lots. Two large framed houaee. Also a good sized brick house and frame houan ; and a amall frame house on a good lot, intended for adding a front. For sale on fairterms and a reusomiale credit. Alaoother buildings, lots, and property. MONEÏ UAVTED 80 many wibhing to borrow money apply to me that I can readily obtainfor lenders good satisfactory invostmenta ten per cent. interest. E. W.MORUAN. Ann Arbor, Jan. 3 , 18" 6. 1664 Estáte of Patrick Welsh. STATE OP MICHIGAN, county of Washtenaw, as. At a Bession of the Probate Court for the county of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Omce ín the eity of Ann Arbor, on Friday, the twenty-fourth day of November, in the year one thous and eight hundred and seventy sis. Present, Noah W, Cheever, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Patrick WelBh, deceased. John Clancy, executor of said estáte, comes into court and representa that he is now prepared to render nis account as such executox. Thereupon ït Ís ordered, that Saturday, the 23d day of December at ten oclock iu the forenuou, be assigned lor examining and allowing such account, and th;it the devisees, legateeB andheirs at law of said deceased and all other persone íntereated in said eatate, are required to appear at a session of said Court, then to be holden at the Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, n aaid oounty and ahow oause if any there be, why the said account should not be allowed : And it ts further ordered that aaid executor give notice to the persona interested in said estáte, of the pendency of aaid account and the hearing thereof, by cauaing a oopy of' thls order to bo pubÜBhed in the Michigan Argus, a newspaper printed and circulftting in said county, two succeösive weeku provious to said day of hearing. (A truecopy.) NOAH W CHÊEVEB, 1612w3 JudL'e of Probate. (JhK tn Él Pfirday at home. Êfimples worth i$O w tyJ $1 ire. Stinson & Co., Portland, He. 1573 Mortgage' Sale. DEFAULT having been made in the conditions ot a certain mortgage, beariug date the tweuty-sevemh day ot MarTih, AD. 187A (the same having been given for a part of the purchase money of the premises therein deaeribed), made and executed by (Jonrad Heselschwerett, of Scio, Washtenaw County, Michigan, to Thomas J. Rice of Hamburg, Livingston county, Michigan, and recorded in liber 44 of mortgages, on page 298, on the 29th day oí March, 1875, at four o'clock p. m. of said day, in the office of the Register of Deeds tor Washtenaw County, Michigan, which said mortgage was assigned by said Thomas J. Rice to Dennis Coréy by deed of assignment, recorded in said Kegister's office, in liber 44 of mortgages, at page 298 on the second dav of October, A. D. 1875, at 10 o'clock a. m. of said day, and there being cmimed to be due and unpaid on said mortgage aüd the note accompanying the same (the said assignee having elected to have the whole sum become due according to the terme and conditions of said mortgageï, the sum of three hundred and forty-nlne dolíais. aud twenty-eight cents ; also an attorney's lee of thirty dollars as provided tor in said mortgage: and no proeeedings at law orin equity haviug been instituted to recover the same or any part thereof : Notice is therefore hereby given that by virtue ot a power of sale in said mortsrage contnined and of the statute in Buch caee made and provided, I will sell at public auction or vendue to the higheet bidder, ou Maturday, the tenth day of February, A. D. 1877, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon of said day. at the South door of theCourt House, in the city of Ann Arbor (that being the place wherein the Circuit Court for the County is held), the premises in said mortgage described as follows : Village lot No five (5) in block No. two (2), in the village oí Delhi, in the town of Scio County of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, to satisfy the amount due on said mortgage and note with the interest accruing thereon, and the costs and expenses allowed by law, togEther with said attorney's fee. Dated Nov. 6th, 1876, DENNIS COREY, D. Cbamf.r, Assiguee ot Mortgage. Attorney for Assiguee. leus Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT having been made in tho conditiono of a eertain mortgage made aud executed by Bradley F. Granger and Susan A. Granger, his wife, of the city of Anu Arbor, Michigau to Phülp Bach, of the same place, hearing date the third day of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand eiglit huudred and seventy four, and reoorded in the office of the Register of Deeds tbr the coun ty of Washtenaw, on the fifth day of October A D. 1874, atíive minutes past four o'clock p m ' iii liber 46 of mortgages, on page 663, on which mortgage there is now claimed to be due two installmenls of interest, amounting to the sum of one hundred and forty dollars, together with an attorney's fee of twenty-five dollars, should any proceedings be taken to foreclose the same; and default having been also made in the conditions ol another eertain mortgage, made and executed by the above named Bradley F. Granger and Susan A Granger to the said Philip Bach, bearing date the twenty-sixth day of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventyfour, and recorded In the office of the Register of Deeds for the County of Washtenaw on the 27th day of October, 1874, at %y2 oclock a. m.,in líber 46 of mortgages ou page 674, on which mortgage there is claimed to be due, at the date of this notice, two installments of interest amounting to sixty dollars, together with an attorney's fee of twenty-five dollars, should any proceedings be taken to foreclose the same, and no proceedings at law or in equity having been taken to recover the amount due on either of said mortgages or any part thereof: Notice Is therefore hereby glven that by virtue of the power of sale in said mortgages contained aud pursuant to the statute in such case made and provided, I will sell at public auction to the higheat bidder, on Saturday, the TWENTIETH DAY OF JaNUARY next at the SOUth door of the Court House in the city of Aun Arbor (that being the building in which the Circuit Court for the connty of Washtenaw is held), the premises described in said mortgages to satisly the amount due thereon, (two hundred dollars aud fifty dollars attorney's fee), with costs and expenses of sale to-wit: All that certain piece or parcel of land beiug situated in the city of Ann Arbor County of Washtenaw and State of Slichigau knowu and destribed as follows, to-wlt: Lot No. 4 and the west one-lburth of lot No. 3, in block one south of Huron street range two east, according to the recorded plat of the villaje (now city) of Ann Arbor. Dated, Ann Arbor, October 26, 1876. PHILIP BACH, Mortgagee. By Attorney. it06 Mortgage Sale. DiEFAULT having been made in the conditions of a mortgage, executed by Andrew J. Sutherland Eliiaoeth T. Sutherland, his wii'e, to Robert AWhedon, on the eighteenth day of June, A. D. 1875, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for the County of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, in liber 53 of Mortgages, on page 106 and afterwards duly assigned to Charlotte Whedon, ou the twenty-sixth day of November. 1875, which assignment was recorded in said Register's Office, for said county, on the twenty-eighth day of July, A. D. 1876, in liber five of assignments of mortgages, on page 228, by which default the power of sale contaiued in said mortgage has become operative; on which mortgage thero io claimed to be due, at the date of this notice, the sura of six hundred and seventy-six dollars and sixty-seven one hundredths dollars, principal and interest, besldes an attorney fee of tweniy dollars, as provided in said mortgage, and no suit or proceeding at law or in equity having been instituted to recover the aruonnt due on said mortgage, or any part thereof: Notice is therefore hereby given that by virtue of the power of sale contained in said mortgage, I shall sell at public auction at the south front door of the Court House, in the city of Ann Arbor (that being the place of holding the Circuit Conrt for said couuty of Washtenaw), on Saturday the 30th day of December, A. D. 1876, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon of that day, the following property described in said mortgage, viz : All of lot uumber six (6) in block number seven (7), south of Huron street, range eleven (11) east in the City of Ann Arbor, County of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, said lot being on the east side of Thayer street in said city. Dated, Bapteinber 28, 1S76. CHARLOTTE WHEDON, Fbazkr AHamilton, Assiguee of Mortgage. Attorneys for Assignee. Eatate of Caty Vanderbilt. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, ss. -At a session of the Probate Court for the county of Waehtenaw, holden at the Probate office m the oity of Ann Arbor, on Friday, the tenth day of November, in the year one thousand eiglit hundred and seventy-six. Present, Noah W. Cheever, Judsre nf Probate. In the matter of the Estáte of Caty Vanderbilt, deceased. On reading andflling the petition, duly verifled, of Abraham H. King, praying that an administrator may be appointed on the estáte of said deceused. Thereupon it is ordered. that Monday the eighteenth day of December, next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be assigned for the hearing of Baid petition, and that the heirs at law ot said deceased, and all other persons intereeted in said estáte, are required to appear at a session ot' said court. then to be holden at the Probate office, in the oity of Ann Arbor, and sho cause, if any there be, why the prayer of the pentioner should not be granted : And it is further ordered that said petitioner give notice to the persons inteiested in said estáte, of the pendency ot' sald petition, and the hearing thereof, by causing a copy of this order to be published in the Michigan Argus, a newspaper printed and oivculated in Baid county three Buccessive weeks previous to said day of hearing. CA true copy.) NOAH W. CHEEVER, ISOUtd ludge of Probate. AWARDED The First Premin AT THli CENTEISTNIAL SEPT.lS7fi, Over Thousauds or Cuinjieütors THE CROWN JEWEL The moBt beautiful stove, and the best of all th ' Ooal stoves made. This stove can be found in use n the following houses in Ann Arbor : Alpheua Felch, Dor Kellogg, O. W. Sharpless, J. W. Uangsterfer, James Jones, E. CurtiB, K. II. Richardsou, Prof. E. Jones, Mrs. J. West, Dr. P. B. ltoaa, Mrs. Loomis, Dr. Hallock, R. A. Beal, C. A. Pomeroy, S. T. Otis, C. M. Cadwell, B. Vaugtan, Miss Lydia Hmith. A. Roys, R. McDonald, Mrs. Whiteheud, Charles 8. Millen, J. C. Watts, Fred. öorg. Prof. M. C. Tyler, Mrs. J. A. PolhemuB, J. O. Banks, W. D. Harriman, J. L. Burleigh, Geo. W. Cropsey, "Mrs. Hubbarü, George Hayler George Grnnville, Mrs. Chambers, George Walker, Zera Pulcifer, and Rinsey & Seabolt. 0"Tou will also flnd a fnll assortinent of Parlor and Cook Stoves lor Wood, at L. C. RISDON'S, 31 South Main street, Ann Arbor. 1878. 1876. Save Yonr MOney ! W. WAGNER HA8 JUST OPENED THE FINEST STOCK OP FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING To be found in Ann Arbor, comprisíne all the NEWEbT STYLES AND PATTERNS, Which he is offering at prices that OEFIES ALL COMPETITION THE PLACE TO BUI' A CHEAP SUIT Is at WAGNER'S My stock of Piece Goods Will be found complete and contains all the NEWEST DESIGNS. Suits Made to Order. A Large stock of FUENISHING GOODS. 21 South Main Sr. Ann Aeboe. .EORGE W. CROPSEY, Late of the flnn of Clark & Cropsey, aud A. Kearsky, late of Texas, under the firm name ot KEARNEY & CROPSEY, Have establlshcd themselvea at No. 33 South Huiii 8t., Aun Arbor, aud propose to do general Crocery Business They will also keop CROCKERY, GLASS and WOODEN WARE, and a full line of DOMESTIC and FOREIGN FRÜITS. They have fltted and furnished A First-class Eating Department, Wliere Moals eau be had at all hours, or board by the week. Cash paid for Kuttrr, E(fg, and all Jounfry produce. Goods promptly dclivered m ;uiy part of the city. Reinember the place. S3 South ITIaln Street. KEARSEY & CBOPSEV. Ann Arbor, April 26, 1876. 1580 THE ENEMYOFDISEASE! THE FOE OF PAIN TO MAN AND BEAST. Is the Grand Oíd MUSTANG LINIMENT Which has stood the test of forty yeata. ïhere is no Sore ït will not heal, no Larm-ness it will not cure, no Ache, no Pain that affiicle the Human Body, or the Body ot a Horse or other domestio animal, that does not yield to its mngii touch. A bottle costing 25cM 50o,or$1.00, has ot ten saved the life of a human being, and restorea to Ufe aud usef ulnesfe maf a valuable horse. T3INSEY & SEABOLT'S BAKERY, GROCERY - AND - KLOUR & FKKI STOttE. We keep constantly on nand, BREAD, CRACKEKS, CAKES, ETC, FOR WHOLESALE nd RETAIL TRADB. We s hall also keep a eupply of DELHI FL.OUR, J. M. SWIFT & Uü'8 BEST WHITE WHEAT FLOUR, UVE FLOÜR, BUCKVVWHEAT FLOUR, CORN MEAL, FEED, feo., ito. At Wholesale aud retaiL A general stock of GROOERIES AND PROVISIONS oonstantly on hand, whioh will be sold on as rea'jntble terma as at any other house in this city. Cash paid for Butter, Eggs, and Country Proiacej'enerfUly. BST Goods delivered to any part of the oity with out extra charge. itnsrv ac seabolt. Ann Arbor, Jan. 1. 1S7R. 1564 ÜOR SALE I Throe Horses, three platform Spring Wagons with polo and shaits, two Luinber Wiigons one Bkeleton Wagon, Track Sulkey, Wood, t'oal and a nice Fcather Hed. Ann Arbor, Out. lith, 1876. 1603in3 C. II. RICHMOND. SEND 25c. toG.P, ROWKLL A CO., New York, for piirnphlet of 10U pages, containing lista of 3000 newspapers, and estímate showing oost of advertieing. THE SUN. 18. NEW rORB. Ï87T. The different editions of the Sün during the next year will be the same as during the year that has justpassed. The daily edition will on week days be a aheet of four pages, and on Sundays be a sheet of eight pages, or 56 broad columns; while the weekly edition will be a sheet of eight pages of the same dimensión and chnracter that are already familiar to our f rienda. The Sün will continue to be the strenuous advo cate of reform and retrenchment, and of the substitution of statesmanship, wisdom, and integrity for hollow pre ten se, imbecility, and fraud in the administraiion of public affaire. It will contend for the government of the people by the people and for the peopln, as opposed to government by fraude in the ballot-box and in the counting of votes, enforced by military violence. It will endeavor to supply lts readers- a body not lar from amillionot souls-with the most oarelul, complete and trustworthy accounts of current events and will employ for this purpose a numerous and oarefully selected staff of reporters and correspondents. Itsreports from Washington, especially, will be full, accurate, and fearless ; and it will doubtlesa continue to deserve aud enjoy the hatred of those who thrive by plundering the treasury or by usurping what the law does not jrive them, while it will endeavor to ment the conttdence of the public by defending the rights of the people agafnst the encroachments of unjustitied power. Tte price of the daily Sun will be 55 cents a month or 86.50 a year, post paid, or with the Sunday edition $T.TO a year. The Sunday edition alone, eight pages, $ 1 .20 a year, post paid. The Weekly Sun, eight pages of 56 broad colulmns, will befurnished during the year 18J7 at the rate of % 1 a year, post paid, The benefit of this large reduction from the previoue rate tor the Weekly can be enjoyed by individual subscribers without the necessity of making up clubs. At the same time if any of our friends desire to aid in extending our circulation, we shall be grateful to them, and every such person who senda us ten or more subscribers from one E lace will be entitled to one copy of our paper for imself without charge. At one dollar a year, postage paid, the expenses of paper and printing are barely prepaid ; and , conaidering the eize of the sheet and the quality of its contenta, we are confldent the people will consider the Weekly Sün the cheapest newspaper published in the World, and we truBt also one of the very best. Address, THE SUN, New York City, Y. SCRIBNER'S MONTHLY. An Unrlvaled Illustrated Magazine.J When Soribkeb issuea its famous Midsummer Holiday number in July, a triendly critic said of it : " We aro not sure but that Sckibneh has touched Wgh-water mark. We do not see what worlds are left to it to conquer. But the publishers do not eonsidcr that they have reached the ultima thuh of excellence- they believe ' ' there are other worlds to conquer, and they propose to conquer them.M The prospectus for the oew volume gives the titles of more than flfty papers {mostly iliustrated,) by writers of the highest merit. Under the head oí " FOREIGN TRAVEL," we have a " A Winter on the Nile, by Gen. Mc.-lellan ; " Saunterings about Constantinople," by Charles Dudley Warner; " Out of My Window at Moscow," by Ëugene SchuyUr; " An American in Turkistan," eic. Three serial atories are announced : "NICHOLAS MINTURN," By Db. Hollakd, the Editor, whose story of " Bever oaks," gave the highest satïsfaotion to the readers of the Monthly. Another erial, "His Inheritance," by Mies Trafton, will begin on the completion of " That Laas o'Lowrie's," by Hodgson Burnett. Mrs. Burnett a atory, begun in A ugust, has a pathos and dramatic power which have bsen a surprise to the public. There is to be a series of original and exqmsitey illustrated papers on "Popular Science," by Mrs. Herrick, each paper complete in it&elf . There are to be, from varlous pena, papers on " HOME LIFE AND TRAVEL. Also, practical suggestions as to town and country ïfe, village improvements, etc., by well-known apecialists. Mr. Barnard'a artieles on various industries of Great Britain include the hietory of some experimento in Co-operation," " A Scottish Loaf Factoy," in the November number, and "Toad Lañe, tochdale," in Deoember. Other papers are, "The Jritish Workingman's Home," "A Nationtof Shopkeepers," " fla'penny a week for the Child," eto. ' A riohly illustrated series will be given on 'American Sports by Flood and Field," by varions wnters, and each on a different theme. The subectof " Honschold and Home Decoratlon " will have a prominent place, whilst the latest pro. duction of American humorista will appear irom month to month, The list of shorter storiea, biographical and other sketchos, etc, is a long one. The editorial department will continue to employ the abiest pens both at home and abroad Chere will be a series of lettera on literary matters, fromLondon,by Mr. Welford. Fifteen lUonths for 4. SoniBNEB for December, now ready, whioh con■ñ" íhe PeninK haptere of " Nicholas Minturn," 11 be read with eager curiosity and interest. Perhaps no more readable number of this magazine has yet been iasued. The three numbers of bcaiBNEB for Auguat, September, and October contaimng the opening ehapters of " That Lass o Lowrie's, ' will be given to every new subscriber who requesta it), and whose subscription begins with tüe present volume, i. e., with the November number. Subsoription price, J4 a year- 35 cents a number, Special terms on bound volumes. Subscribe with tne neareBt bookseller, or eend check or P O money order to SCRIBNEE & Co„ 743 Broadway, N. Y. STTlíiCHOLASy The third volume of this incomparable Magazine is now completcd. With its eight hundred royal octavo pages, and its six hundred Ilustration9, lts plendid seriáis, its horter atoriee, poems, and sketches, etc etc., in its beautiful bindne of red and gold, it is the most splendid giftmok for boys and girls ever issued from the press Price, 4; in full gilt, $3. v " 8t. Nicholas is full of the choicest things. The rabhcation is, in all respects, the best oí its kind We have never yet seen a number that was not surpnsingly good."- The Churchman, Hartford Conn. ST. NICHOLAS FOR 1877, Which opens with November, 1817 , begins A short and very entertaining serial from the French, " The Kingdoul of the Greedy," a story adapted to the Thanksgiving Season. Another serial, of absorbing interest to boya, " HIS OWN MASTER," By J.'T. Trowbridge, author of the " Jack Hazard Storie, beeins in the Christmas Holiday Ndmbeb. During the year theje will be interestini? papera or boys, by William Cullen Bryant, John G Whittier, Thomaa Hughe, William Hewitt. Dr. lolland, Georae MacDonald, Sanford B. Hunt, Frank K. Stockton, and othera. There will be storiea, sketches, and poems, of special interest to girls, by Harriot Prescott Spofford, busan Coolidge, Sarah Winter Kello, Elizabetb Stuart Phelps, Lonisa Alcott, LucTetia P. Hale,, Celia Thaxter, Mary Mapea Dodffe and many others. Thero will be also " TWELVE SKY PlCTüRES," By Pkofessob Pboctob, the Astronomer, With mapt, showing " The Stars of Each Month," which will be likely to surpass in interest any seies on popular acience recently given to the pubAmusement and Instruction, with Funand Frolc. and Wit and Wisdom, will be mingled as here;ofore, and St. Nioholas will continue to delight the young and give pleasure to the old. The London Literary World says : " There is no magazine for the young that can be said to equal thia cholee production of Scbibneb s prees. All the articlea, whether in prose or hyme, are throbbing with vitality. The terature and artiati ülustraiions are both superb." The London Daily Ncwi aays : " We wish we could point out its equal in our own periodical iterature," Subscription price, $3 a year. The three bound volumes and a subscript on for thij year, only $12. Subscribe with the nearest newsdealer, or send money in check, or P. O. money order, or in registered letter, to 8CEIBNER & CO., 743 Broadwaj, N. Y. THE HILL FARM FOR SALE. Adjoinlng the West line of theCity of Ann Arbor, n townshlp two south of range six east, comprisng the eaat half of the northeast quarter of secjon nineteen ; and that part of the west half of ;ne west half of the northweat quarter of section twenty, lying north of the tnrnpike; in all 100 42-100 acres, with House, Barn, an (Mailing Spring of Water, And about flfty acres well improved ; flrat class and and aituation beautiful. Two-thirds of the purchase money may remain on the land three to flve years. For term applyto GEO. E. HAND, OrH.J. BEAKES, Detroit. Ann Arbor. 157-ltf JFOR SALE CHEAP ! fTHEnewtwo stojy frame dwelllng house, just -- completed. Situated on east University Aveaue, the second house south from the Medical Colege. Specially arranged for keeping Boarders, Roomers, or Club. Terms easy. Apply to C. H. MILLEN, No.4, S. Hain St. For Sale Cheap ! THE large new doublé dwelling house situated Cor. North aud Fourth Sts, two blocks from Court House. Enquire of C. H. MILLEN. BUILDING LOTS A LARGE number of very desirable building lots, well located, for sale low, small payment lowu and long time given for balance if desired. C. XX. MXXiZiEXr. City Scavenger. THE undersigned offers his serviees as scavenger. VauKi, cesspools, etc, cleaned to order, and at reasonable prices. Orders may be left at J. H. Siekel's ineat market, State Btreet, or made through he Postoffloe. W. ACT1ON. Ann Arbor, Nov. 3, 1876.


Old News
Michigan Argus