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- Throwed ; that proposed senior concert Couldn't get the performers. - Dr. Cocker is giving a course of leotures jt Coruell XTuiversity the present week. - Miss Catherine Vaughn, of Northfiekl , jjed May 31, of paralysis, aged 00 years. - B. J. Billings has lost his pocket-book and ivill give $20 to have it and coutents returned. - Assistant Professor Corwin, of the Umversity, has goue to Philadelphia, to bo absent a mouth or two. - The city bonds iu aid of the Court House have been printed, aud will be ready for issue ij soon as the money is forthcoming.) - The Ypsilanti Ked Kibbon Club has selected R. E. Frazer, Esq., of this city, as one of the speakers at lts Fourth of Jüly celebration. - F. C. Barbour, class of 'ÍS, has goue to Louisville, Ky., to represent the Students' Cbristiau Assooiation iu the general oonvenlion. ' - On the óth iust., Justice McMahon ticketed Dan Carroll to the House of Correction or niue vnouths, f Dr vagraucy aud disorderly Moduct. - The tenth concert of the Ypsilauti Musili Uuion- with a miscellaueous or " scrap " nrugrHmme- is to be giveu next Friday even■ . Tii vi ■ i [ ■ ' ' V " - The Jackson club and the Uuivorsity boys play anot)i6r game of base ball on the fair grounds in this city, at 3 o'clock to-morrow afternoon. - A gooil improvement : that inece oí new jdewalk ou the north side of Washington tteet, in front of Eberbacii's hardware store ,nd Feiner's shoe shop. - The second set of boudsmen for the late City Treasurer Webster have settled and been jischarged. Tliey paid to the city about 891, Isving once before offered 1225, - The Manchester Juiterpnse says : "It. E. frezer, Esq., of Ann Arbor, has promised to jidress the lied Ribbon Club and citizens of liis village, on Sunday eveuing, June 10." - During the exeroises of the last Sunday jfternoon meeting ot the Opera House, a subscription was taken up to procure a portrait of President Schumacher, for the club room. -The match game of base ball, played in ïpsilanti on Saturday last, between the Ypsianti and Ann Arbor nine, resnlted in favor of He latter. A return game is'to be played on ie campus to morrón-, - Compauy F, of Ypsilanti, went to Tecumieh to particípate in the ceremonies of Decorationday. The Commercial says: "Ypsilanti las no soldiers' graves to decórate ; her brave boys died and vvere buried on the Held of bat:le." - If you have a desire to see a oase of beautiiul, magniiicent, and rare birds, step into the turn hall of the Central University building nd take a look at the one put up by Prof_ Steere for exhiuition at the Centenuial and retently returned. - But one Manchester saloon keeper pays a tax of $160. Ten others report themselves aj only selling malt, brewed, or iermentod liijuors, and are taxed f40 each. Aggregate tas, ?9CiO. Last year six were assessed as sellers of distilled liijuors and six as sellersof malt ! liquors. - Tbe Barrett Dramatic Club of this city, the members of which have wou a good tation as amateur aetors, give the Eed Ribbon Boys a benefit performance this evening, at the Opera House. The procreds are to be devotod to the purchase of au organ for the Club room. - Judge Huntington has written to County Clerk ïuite suggesting that he contemplatea asking some other Judge to hold the next term of tiio Circuit Oourt in this county. He isked the Clerk to consult with the members oi the bar, and espe'raKlly with the counsel in the laboratory case. - A recent number of the Marquette Journal said: "Mr. Cari Bominger, State Geologist, srrived ín the city from Aim Arbor, on Saturday last. It is his intentiou to remain in this vicinity duriug the summer, while he wilj beactively engaged in completiug the State Survey so far as this section is concerned." '- The tahles have been turned in the Leighton affair at Ypsilanti - the afr'air iu which Capt. Halleck did a little shooting. Leighton luis been discharged and his wife arrested on a charge of perjury, and also on a charge of asstult with intent to kül, and, waiving examinatiuu held for trial. Her escape is reported. - The Mayor has reeeived a ouinber of letters from outside capitalists inquiring the aslessed valuation of this city, the amount of its present indebtedness, etc. They want a basis iorfiguring up the premium on the Court House aid bouds. Suffice it to say, the assessedTaluation in 1876 was $1,651,721, and the Mebtednes3 of the city is not a single dollar. - The stave milis and stock of Botsford, Abel & Co., at Capac, was burned May 31. lossabout Ï15.000 ; insurance, $10,000. Mr. Botsford writes to his paitners here that he 11 immediately build another mili at Hillington, on the Bay City Railroad, aud that ín tve weeks he will be leady to ship staves. Smith never says die. - The Opera House wa3 well filled on Sunday afternoon last, at the usual hour of the Eeform Club meeting, and tlie exercises were ol more than ordmary interest. Mrs. Youmus, of Ficton, Ontario, made a forcible and eloquent address. Friday evening of next week Mr. Mab'.ey, of Detroit, is expected to peak under the auspices of the club. - James Morwick has returued from a somewhat lengthy stay in Minnesota, and being ready for business once more, desires to be wmidered a caudidate for the position of Superintendent of the new Court House. Mr. Horwick's reputation for doiug h'rst-class k would be a guarantee that contractas ïould not fiud an opportunity to put in either Pr material or poor work. - The Detroit dailies of Wednesday chron'íti the arrival of a six yenr old waif from 'Sdiauapoli9, named Willie Malloy, and said k be in search af his uucle who could not be 'wod. Suspicion arose that his mother who diipatched him, according to the lad's story, 'ithhis clothing in a bundie and no written "Wrcss of his relativo, rmant abandoument, Wt yesterday's Tribune says the waif should kwe been stopped at Ann Arbor. - That long wanted rain carne about 3 'dook on Sunday morning, and thore were Wckets full of it poured out upon the parched earth, With the rain there was much wind "id some hail. llere and there we hear of 'heat being blowed down, but our general reports are that no damage was done. On Tuesday forenoon there was more rain, siuce bich everything has been giowing apace. - At the annual election of the Aun Arbor Siringa Bank held on Monday afteruoon last, 'be followiug directora were elected : Chrishan Mack, W. W. Winei, B, A. Beal, W. D. arriman, Daniel Hiscock, William Detibel, '"i Willard B. Smith. At a meeting of the directora held on the evening of the same day, '"8 old orïicers were re-elected, as follows ; President, Christian Mack; Vice-Presideut, w. W. Wmes ; Cashier, Charles E. Hiscock-, -There is to be a new time table put on the "■ C. R. R. next Sunday. The changes iu the ruus west are not material, so far as we are advised, but going east are important. The mail train will leave the Btation in this city at J;jC p. m. instead of at 3:50, and the Day Express will paas at 8:18 p, m. instead of at 5:07, "id will not stop. This is to be the f ast train ad is made a necessity by the fast trams of Wmpeting roads. Our citizens going east hould take the 10:50 a. m, train which makes good connections at all points. - It may have been indiscreet and unwiso for Regent Walker to order certain laboratory stub books into Detroit, for exainiuation by experta in the interest oí Dr, Douglaa, instead of ordering the experts to come hare for that l)Uipose, but there was nothing in that act to warrant ao gross an attack upon President Angelí and Sleward Bennett, or even Regent Walker, as was made in that extra Cotirier of Saturday Iaat. - The senior reception and the seuior concert having "gone where the woodbine twineth," it ia supposed that the anniversary exercises of the Alumni Aaaociation will be held on Tuesday evening, - the evening before commenceinent and the eveuing the association has hankered after for years. Dr. Edmuud Andrews, of Chicago, of the class of 1849, and well known to all our old citizens, ia expected to deliver the oration, and we'll warrant it well worth hearing.


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