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The Balance In The State Treasurer's

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hands August 31, was $583,275. 75, a docrease frem the balanoo July 31, of $53,437.82. The btatu Fair : it is to be held at Jackson, will open Sept. 17 and oloso Sept. 21. The M. C. K. R. carries passengers at half-fare. Henry Ward Beeciiek is announced for two loctures in Jackson during the week of the Stato Fair. He will have to run opposition to a number of other socond and third rate shows. The eloction in Maine come9 off next Monday. Look out for a Kopublican victory, - to be thereafter construed as an indorsement of both Hayes and Blaine, - of " my policy " and of the opponents. RANDOLPn Hogers offers to complete tho Soldiers' Monumentat Dotroit, by placing the four figures or statues in accordance with the original design, for $9,000, or $3,000 eaoh. Tho assocition has $3,425.93 on hand. Brigham YoUno was the father of 5G ohildren, 44 of whom, 16 sons and 28 daughters. survive hioi. Seventeen wives, exclusivo of Ann Eliza, mourn (?) his loss, but were specially requested not to buy and hang out mourning goods in token of thoir grief. TllE new liquor tax law took effect Aug. 22. Under its provieions the tax upon tho retail dealer in brewed or malt liquors is $50 instead of $40, aud the supervisor or assessor must levy pro rata for tbe rest of the year, on al] dealers enguging in business after that dato. NV. W. WooLXOUorr, so long connected with the press of Michigan, has sold out his intorest in tho Battlo Creek Tribune, and that excellent weekly is lioreafter to be published by Messrs. Barnes and Buckley. We part company with Bro. Woolnough with regret. He has shown both the knowledge and ability requisito to the inaking of a good paper. May his successors be equally successful. That most celebrated of modern Frenchmen, M. Louis Adolpho Thiers eminent as journalist, author, historian acholar, and statesman, ex-President o: the Republio, and tho balance-wheel o: the Iiepublican party of Franco, diec at his residence in Paris on Monday ovening last, of apoploxy, aged 80 yoars on tho lGth day of April last Tho death of M. Thiers is a calamity to France, and espocially to the party to which he belonged and in a great measure led and controlled. IIas Garrison,- William Lloyd, the invetérate fault-flnder, - gone, back on Ben Wade and tho other invetérate iiToconcilablcs and givon in his adhesion to tho Prosident's policy ? This extract from a recent speech to an linglish audience has that look He said that " the world never had so high an exemplification of politica rectitude as it had at tho present timo in tho Republican administration o President Hayes," And now the De troit Post and Bro Pattison, of the Yp silanti Commercial, ought to speak bet tor words for the administration. The annual meeting or show of the Tri-State Fuir Association (Ohio, Mich igan, and Indiana) is to bo held at Tclüdo, commoncing on the 21th inst. anc closing on tho 29th, and arrangements are boiug made to have it " the largest and most complete exhibition of the kind ever held in tho West." The President of tho Washtonuw County Agricultura! Society has beon made a VicePresident of tho Tri-State Association If wo ciin get a ree ride over the Toledo and Ann Arbor liailroad wo may "inakeaneffort'1 to use tho admiesion card sent us. Mr. Emil Preetorius, of tho St Louis Post, comes up valiantly, if noi gallantly, to ropcl tho charges preforroc by Gilil Hamilton against Cari Schurz - especially that of receiving $18,000 for political purposes. Preetorius says that Schurz nevor roceived to exceed $6,000, and then hurls this polite and elegant challenge in tho teeth of the plucky, if vindictive, lady: " Now, Miss Gail üamilton, 1 cali upon you to provo that you aro as good an American as I am, in appreciating that American proverb, " Put up or shut up." Car] Schurz needs more discreot friends tlian this man who runs his Sfc. Louis organ. Is somb of its foaturos at least, modern Domocracy in Iowii is not tho Democracy of the fathors. Witnoss the following plank from the platform adopted at tho rocent Democratie State Convention in that Stato : 5. We favor a rotention of tho greonback currency and doolare aauiBt any further contraction, and wo fuvor a substitutiou of greenbacks for national bank bilis. It was only by stretching the powers of the Government in time of war that a packod Suprome Court was ablo to hold greonbacks a legal tender for dubts oontracted beforo tho passage of the law creating them, and even that decisión left no ground for Congresi to oxtond the greenback volume in time of paaco. Tho Democracy has always denied tho oonstitutionality of tho legal tondor act, and maintainod that Congress had no right to make its notes of hand or promises to pay a legal tender. If a war power, and warlike necessity, kuows uo law, tliere is now no shadow of claim in behalf of a Congressional right to nood tho country with a new issue of greenbacks. Much bettor did the Iowa Domocracy adhere to the traditions of the party in the following rosolution : 1. Tho Domocracy of Iowa, in couvontion Mxmbled, hereby declaro in favor of a tarilï for revenuo only, honeHty, economy, homo rulo, supromacy of the civil over the military power, sepuration of church and Statu, cquality of all citizens beforo tho law, opposition to the granHng by tho general govornmaiit of subsidies to any Corporation whatovor. It ia timo for common sense to take tho place of clap-trap and domagogism.


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