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RAILROADS. MICIUUAS CEM'RAL RAlLROAl). JUNE M, 1877. OOINO WKBT. IJ fa !" L UTATION... S „ - ? ! g 1 L L.!& ü?. A. M. A. M P. V. P. M.P.M. l. Detroit, leave, 7 Oo! 8 85 4 451 3 15 6 05 q"' O. T. Junction, 1 IS 9 50 6 00 3 30 6 20 10 in Wayne Junctioni 7 4 10 17 5 32; 3 55! 6 AT 1 10 4" Ypsilanti, 8 17,10 35 6 00 4 15 7 2611 04 Gcddes, 8 301 i 6 15 AnnArbor, ! 8 40! 10 50 6 30 4 32 8 00 1121 belhi, 8 55 i 6 43 '___ Dexter, 9 03 6 53 4 53 8 22 Chelsea, 9 23 7 12i 5 07 8 3?: arana Lake, 9 52 7 37' 5 27] 9 02 r. u ■ A „ Jackeon, 10 2012 15! 8 00 6 10 9 30 12 '45 Albion, 11 04 12 53 7 00 10 18 1 n Marshall, 11 J0' 1 35 -j g 7 3U 10 46! 1 i', si. v " Bnttle Creek, 12 20' 1 5S. 8 00 11 16 2 10 Oalenburg, 12 5 8 38 11 53 ' ■ M. A.H. Kalamazoo, 1 15 2 40 5 00 9 00 12 16 2 55 Lawton, 1 (7 6 35 1 Oo! Decatur, 2 15. 4 52 1 27 Dowagiac, 2 41 ! 8 17 2 00' NUes, 3 11' 4 07 7 IK) i 35! 4 24 Buchanan, I 3 23 1 7 11 2 50 Three Oaks I 3 52 4 43 7 37 3 20 5 M New Buifalo, I 4 08 4 56 7 49Í 3 35 ü Michigan City, 4 40 5 20 8 10 4 05! 5 47 Lake, 5 23 6 02 8 50 4 521 6 28 Kunsington, 6 03 6 50 9 IK1 5 40 7 10 Ohicago, arrive, 6 56: 7 40 lu V. 6 30 8 og OOINO EABT. s_ JjwMPJ,! A. M. P. M. I-. M. P. M. p v Chicago, leare, I 7 00! 00 3 45 i 15 9 00' Kenaington, 7 50 9 50 4 35! 6 05 S 50 I.nke, 8 37 10 28 6 23 6 48 10 30 Michigan City, V 23 11 10 6 25 7 3611 1;, NewHuffalo, 9 45 11 26 C öl - in 40 Three Oak, .0 00 11 36 7 09 8 12 11 m a. h. Buchanan, 10 32 7 46 Niles, 10 46 12 15 8 20 9 00 12 SS Dowagiac, 1 1 16 ! 8 48 1 oj Decatur, 11 39i j 9 15 1 ij Lawton, 11 57 I ! 9 S5 A. M.l Kalamazoo, 12 35 1 38 10 10; 6 silo 26; 1 1) Ualesburg, 12 55 . ! 6 53' ' 2J7 Battle Creuk, 1 32 2 1T .si M 7 35 11 16 3 Is Marshall, 2 17 3 00 p 8 12 U 40 T49 a.m. ; Albion, 2 45; 3 21 a.m. 8 43 12 05 4 10 Jackaon, 3 35 4 05 5 20 9 45 12 50 4 SS Oras Lake, 3 371 5 48:10 06 Chelsea, i 19 1 6 15 10 24' Dexter, 4 35 6 30 10 35' Delhi, 4 43 ' 6 4' ' AnnArbor, 4 54 5 10 7 ('0 10 50 2 10 6 M Qeddee, 503 7 05 1 Ypeilanti. ' 5 12 5 24 7 15 11 05 2 2" 6 K Wavne Jlinc, ' 5 36 6 45 7 4011 22! 2 48 , 15 (i. T. June, I 6 10 6 15 8 25 1150 3 20 7 45 Detroit, Ar., i íi 6 SO 8 40 12 05; 3 85 8 00 SimdnyH excepted. 'Saturday and Sunday ex ceptad. tDaily. H.B. LBDYAED, Gen'l Supt., Detroit. H. C. Wkntwohth, Gen. Piuw. Agt., Chicago. DETEOIT, HILLSDALE & INDIANA BAILKUAD. To take effect June 24, 1876. OOIHO WE8T. OOIKO EASI. STATIONS. Mail. Exp. STATIONS. Kxp. Mail A. H. P. M. ! Ypmlanti . . . . 8:20 7:25 i A. M. p. . Salino 9:15 7:67 I Banken 5:00 &M Bridgewatcr.. 9:42 8:15 HilUdale .. 5:20 ï.[ MancheaUr. 10:12 8:37 Manchester.. 8:20 4:00 P. 11. Bridgewater 8:55 4:il Hillsdale 12:45 10:33 Saline 9:3S 4:40 Bankers 1:00 10:45 Ypailanti.... 10:20 5:l'ö Traiua run by Chicago time. W. F. PARKEK, Bup't. Ypsilanti. THE HEALTH Li A THOnOUGH GYMNASTIO SYSTEM FOR 1.A1HKS ANU GENTLEMEN, IN TKN MINUTES ONCE A DAY. The Hualth Lift la a i Scientific System OF EXERCISE. Forthe nttainment and preservutioo of Heallh. It ia the beat meaoB ot PHYSICAL CULTURE AND DEVELOPMENT. IT ia TÏÏE SIMPLEST, SAFK8T AND MOST KKFIC1ENT MODE OF TAKINO ALL NEEDED EXECItSE. In the brief space of ten minutes all the muicles are gradualfy, thoroujjhly, and syHiinutricJitly brought into aotioii. Coucentrated eatercis f'1' the lui-y and aedentary. ANS ARBOR OFFICE AND TARLOES, 1 1 Eaat Hurón S South of Court House A DOLLAR SAVED IS A DOLLAR EARNED l NEW GOODS 1 Andprices LOWER THAN EVER. I have purchased in New York, for cush, "1 I ara now duily recoivirm one of the largest "J moat select atocks of (rocoriee in Wnshten County, cousistinir of a (uil and well selected LINE OF TEAS, All of the new erop- including (iinipawdera, Iniperials, luim; Hr out, II -.ons. Japan. Oolong, Formusiih, Cong-ous, Nouchongi, and 'I' wjiiik i s, Together with full line of OOFFEES, consWing of the following branda: MOCHA, OLD ÖOV'T JAVA, M A.KACAIBO, LAGUAYUE.8AV TOS iind ItlO, both roasted and grouud ; f"" imd well selected stock of SUCARS, SYRUPS AND MOLASSES, Tope t her with everything in the line cf PuPi s pi r.-, 'amii'il fruits, and Vegetables. We have tu I i and complete line of BOOTS & SHOES, HAÏS, CAPS, GLOVES And ïlusiery. Alao, ft chotee assortment of Lftii4' and Gentlemen' Underwear. Ciill and exanila UooUs nnd lárices and we will inure satwfctwD. EDWARD DUFFÏ. " Haynard'8 Block,-' cor. Main and Aun alreítí Ann Arbor. MiKarHiühmt cash prico paid for all f'' produce. "%iB fí) f r(CMi'licm!ulo by everv agent ererf V I I Imonth In the business we furnish,""' AMH Mthiist: willing to wurkcan carnad" UUU J dollars a day in tbere own iocliHave no room to explain here. Business pieos01 and honorable. Women, and boys and K'rls "ï. wt'll s men. We will furnish you a complete out fr'o. The business pays better tban auything elWe will bmir expense of starting yon. Panícula Bree. Write and sce. Farmers and mecbanie-j tlu'ir stins and daughters, and all classes in ueed paying work at home, should write to usaud H'11' all about the work at once. Now in the UB Don't delay. Address, Tkuk & Co., Au((w' Maiue. íSIli ■OTICE. L. C. Uisdon baviug made a general assignu10" u me lor tlio biMulitof bis crediUirs, all P' "" baviug claims auinst him are requet'd to P tent tbem to me at the store, No. 31, South Street, and all persous owing said Risdou are juested to cali ut the store and settle their aecouDi without delay. Ann Arbur, .Tnly 11, 1877. . I643m2 CHAS. 11. lilCHMOND,


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Michigan Argus