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Agricultural And Domestic

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A round the Farm. Fowls like newly-cut graas; give tliem all they want of it. The clippiiigs f rom a Jawn mower are just the thing for them. When turkeys are two raonths old they can Buecessfully withstand the soverest weather, if dry. In wet weither they should be oonflned iu a yard unilcr cover. Limk hm been usedfor appleorehards with great benefit at the rato of twonty bushels per acre. One who has tried for many years dcems it very beneücial, as his trees have been very productive. Spbinkle roso bushes with a solution composed of a teaspoonful of Paris green in half a gallon of water, and they will not be troubled with any vermin. The wash will not hurt the roses or bushes. Apply witli a fine sprinkler. - Sacramento Union. Therk is no ocenpation whioh is so sure of a return for labor as agricuiture. The risk of manu [act urers and nikldlemen is tlireo-fold that of farmers, bttt their enterprise is so groat that they seldom succumb to pressure till it becomes ernshing. Speuoe butter-tubs are the best ; white hemlock makes a sweet tub ; aoids from the oak color the butter and iniure its appearance; white ash gives the butter a strong navor if kept long, and inoreases the liability to mold ; maple smells and cracks badly. Soak all tnbs four to six days in brine bef ore using. - Franklin County Times. The washing of sterns and large branches of trees with a solution of carbolic-acid soap dissolved in lukewarm water, and a portion of the ilour of sulphur mixed with it, is a good method for destroyiog the insects. The best time to do the washing is after tho spring opens. It will then stick to the trees, and when the insects come out the poison kills them in their iufant state ; and by that the foliage and fruits ef the trees may be saved. Although an underground milk-house may not seem damp, and may be well ventilated, yet the presence of an adjoining ice-house will certainly give rise to moldiness, and this will affect the milk. To get rid of the trouble temporarily, close the milk-house tightly, and burn four ounces of sulphnr in it upon some live coals. Keep it closed for a few hours and then open and air it. To remove the trouble permanently, the ice-house must be got rid of. - American Agriculturist. It is oue of the advantiges of keeping good stock that not only is more flesh gained for the quantity of lood consumed, and a better quality of flesh produced, but the waste in tho shape of offal is greatly reduced. The shorthorn heifer Miriam, bred by Mr. J. Stratten, which was awarded first prize for the best f emale at the butchers' show at Islington, England, last year.weighed alive 1,868 pounus. The dressed weight was 1,346 pounds, giving over 72 pounds dressed to the 100 pounds live weight. Perhaps there is no other animal than a very good short-horn that would dress so well, and an instance so well authentioated as this shows the value not only of the breed, but of good feeding as wei!. Losses in farming are readily incurred by ietting the crowded weeds eat up the plant-food while the crops are starving; lettiEg the tools rust and rot for want of proper shelter; keeping poor breeds of stock that cost as much in care and food as good ones, but yield less produce, lay on less fat and briug lesa money from the butcher; seRing the best animáis instead of ïmproving the stock by brecding from them; selliag coarse grains instead of feeding them with hay and straw, thus increasing the nutritivo properties of these and the fertilizers on the farm ; neglecting a careful system of rotation in crops, the auvantages of which all acknowledge, while many foolishly omit its practice ; cultivating crops wLich a little calculation would show are unprofitiible, owing to the nature of the soil, or the dram they make upon it, the cost oL transportation to market or from other local causes ; neglect of drainage, fences, repairs and other permanent improvements ; inattention to barnyard manure, liquid and solid, and to the compost heap ; carelessness in keeping an exact account of receipts and expenses, and consequent ignorance of the crops that pay best, and of many means of retrenchment and econoniy ; neglect to select, each f all, the best seeds from karvest erop for planting the next one ; neglect to take and read a good agricultural paper, so as to get postea on current improvements and discoveries, as well as tokoep tip with the times and acquainted with the markets.- Rural New Yorker. Abont the House. Cubrant Cake. - Two oups of fljur, ono cup of sugar, one cup of butter, whites of two eggs, yelks of f o ar eggg, and one-half pound currants. ÜÜZ, Cubbant Ice. - Boil down three pints of water and a pound and a half of sugar to one quart ; skini, add two cups of currant-juice, and, when partly l'rozen, add the whites of five eggs. Scotch Oatjieaii Pobbidge. - Scotch oatmeal porridge is made with milk and water, in proportion of one part of the former to two of the latter. Allow two ounces of oatmeal to a pint and a half of milk and water, and boil half an hour. Cucumbeb Salad. - Peal and slice cucumbers; mix tkein with salt, and let them stand half an hour; mix two tablespoonfuls salad oil and the eame quantity of vinegar, and a teaspoonful of sugar, and one of pepper, for the dressing. Tea Ice Cbeam.- Pour over four table-spoonfuls of Oíd Hyson tea a pint of cream; scald in a custard kettle, or by placing the dish containing the cream in a kettle of boiling water; strain into a pint of cold cream, scald agaiu, md when hot mix with it four eggs and three-quarters of a pound of sugar, well beaten together ; let it cool and freeze. To make good oatmeal cakes, work three parts of fine oatmeal and one part fiour into a stiff puste with treacle (golden sirnp), with tho addition of a vei y email quantity of lard, and sufficient baking-powder to impart the dcsired lightness. Bake the paste in tho formof small flat cakes much resenibliug the ordinary " giuger-nuts " of the biscuit-baker. Thbrk is scarcely any ache to which chüdren &re subject so hard to bear and diffioult to cure as the ear-ache ; but there is a remdy never known to fail. Take a bit of cotton batting, put upon it a pinoh of black pepper, gather it up and tie it, dip in sweet oil, and insert into the car. Pnt a flannel bandage over the head to keep it warm. It will give immediate relief. Oarbots.- This wholesome vegetable makes an appetizing dinner dish when prepared as follows : Wash, scrape, cut the carrots lengthwise and boil until very tender, which will take from au hour and a half to two hours. When done, slice the carrots very thin iuto a sauce-pan -with one or two table-spoonfuls of butter and a small cup of cream if jnilk is used, thieken a very little with coru-starch, add pepper, salt and cook about ten minutes ; serve in a covcred vegetable ilish. The late Wm. Dixon, of Vicksburg, Miss., was a philosopher. ïhe day beforo he was- beforc thcy- in fine, the day bef ore his death, he caught three mice, ercoted a miniature scaffold in his cell and workcd them off. The result of the experiment satisñed him that death by hanging waspainless, and next day he walked to the gallows like one sustained by au uufaltering trust.


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