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-Sheriff Case has ñve compulsory üoarders. - The average number of imnates of the County poor house ia now about 100. - Yesterday Justice Frueauft' eent James .Scott, a Detroit tramp, to jail fur 10 days. - To-day John Clair is to be tried on a ctmrge of keeping his saloon open on Siiuday. - Richard F. O'Neil, of Detroit, will address the Reform Club on Sunday evemug next. - Mrs. Oen. Huut has purchased the residence of J. U. Banks, on State street. Price paid, ó,25O. - The tents of tíarnum's " Greatest Show on Earth " will be pitched on the Fair grouuds ou Tuesday next. - Au unsuocessf ui attempt was made to burglariza the house of H. D. Bennett on Jlouday evening last. - The Walker Brothers have the contract for the brick sewer bridge at the crossiug of Secoud street, near Liberty street. Frice J3Ó7.72. - County Clerk Tuite has drawu his warrant in favor of McCormick & Sweney, Court House contractors, for their seventh estímate, $7,060.18. - Au inmuto of the jail atteinpted to set it oí) fire a few days ago. Disoovery was made ia time to extinguish it before any damage was doue. - Architect Buuting has been in the city for severa! days, looking after the Court House. He evideutly ineans that the work shall be well done. - David G. Rose, of Sharon, sold his this year's clip of wool, 3,1133 lus., for 30 cents a pound. Messrs. Gilbert & Crowel], of Chelsea, were the buyers. - Shoot 'em on the spot, and consign 'em to Xagele and his "pickliug vat." That is the best disposition to rnake of the gang of burfflars now infesting this city. - William Baxter, of Manchester, stepped out of the back door of his store on Tuesday, and feil into the open cellar way, receivhig severe but not fatal injuries. - The Sextette Band of Ypsilauti have an excursión to Toledo to-day, via Detroit, Hillsdale and Southwesteru road to Manchester, and theuce by the Michigan Southern. - D. A. Wise, President of the Ypsilanti Keïorm Club from its organization, has resigued : his owu business demanding his attoutiou. Mr. D. li. i'razer is his successor. - The audionce which gathered at the Opera House ou Suuday evening last, to hear Hev. Al. V. Ruik, was uot a large one : the extreme heat keeping people quiet at home.

- Edgar D. Austin, a resident of the Third ward, died on Wednesday, of dropsy of the heart, in the 57th year of his age. His funeral will take place at Dexter at 2 p. m. to-day.

- The Ypsilanti Paper Company has adVcrtised for propusals lor the eonstructiou of lish-ways in their dams. The law requires all lililí owuers to provi-le thuir itauis with tisllways. - Dextei" Leader: " L. Palmer & Son have made 2,ÜU0 yards oi cloth for the Jackson prisou. Their work must have proven satislactory, for ttiey have anolher order for 1,ÜUO yards." - J. F. Schuh, of the Fourth of July Committee, has paid all bilis and reporto a balance over ot $13.24. By calliug at his store subscrihers eau draw a dividend of 2 1-2 cents on the dollar. - At the Ypsilauti school meeting on Tuesday eveniug an additional appropriatiou ot' $-1,000 was voted, and a committee of live citizeus appoiuted to act with the board in the selooüon of a plan, etc. - The work of horvest has been pushed this week despite the hot weather, and the largor aliare ut the vtlf-nt rrup lias been Secured iu good couditiou. l'he yield promises to be very large and the quality good.

- Moses F. Collins, one of the few survivors of the war of 1812, died at his residence, 68 Washington Street, on Sunday evening last, aged 83 years the 22d of May last. He has lived in Pittsfield and this city 44 years.

- Friday evening last Mrs. A. A. Terry went iowü towu for half au hour, and wheu she re;arued some petty thief had walked off with a laminock, piüow, and a book belongiug to the Ladies' Library. Not a particular thief that. - A large number of colored excursionista :anie to our city ou Weduesday, from Wiodlor, Detroit, and Ypsilanti. They had a piclic diuuer iu Relief Park, visitad the Uuiverity, and enjoyed themselves as well as the leat would perm it.

- Last week (Tuesday) Peter Bush, a resident of the Fifth ward, had something like a sunstroke on Huron street. He was taken to his home in a hack, where he died on Sunday, aged 72. He came to this city 40 years ago from Waterloo, N. Y.

- Statistics of Dexter Uuiou School for IÏ77-8, condeused frora Leader : Enrollment, 394; average uumber beiouging, 28Ü.6; average daily atteudauce, U05.4 ; porceut of atteiidance, 90; number of cases of tardiness, ÍÍ65 ; uumber of visits, 175. - "E. D. Kiuuu, assignee of Martin Clark, haa sold both store and stock to Messrs. Herriek & Holmes, of Ypsilanti, who, we uuierstand, ïuteud to take a hand in the grocery trade of this city. The stock sold for $400 and the store tor $300 in excess of the mortgage. - A mixed train leaves on the Toledo and Ann Arbor Kailroad at G:30 a. m., and returniug arrivés here at 8. The time table will appear in our columns wheu "settled." Duriug the races an excursión train has left daily at Ü a. in. The road is carrying a good deal of ' freight .

- Prof. Rufus Nutting, for many years principal of the Lodi Plains academy or preparatory school, a school of considerable reputation before the days of Union Schools, but of late years a resident of Detroit, died on Friday last, aged 83 years. He was buried at Lodi on Tuesday.

- The Citizeus' tias Light Company, of St. Joseph, Mo., the stock of which is almost entirely owuud in this city, has sold out to a now compauy. Contract pnce $78,000, out ot which sum some ïóó,000 of bonded debt is to be paid. It eau be productive oí no public good to give 'list of stockhoiders. - July 10 Compauy F, First Eeginieut M. S. T., elected the following uih'ceis, to iili vacaucies causeo1 by ïesignatiun and promotion : Captain, C. N. Webb ; lat Lieuteuant, E. W. Üowen ; 2d Lieutenant, H. Beard ; lst Sergt., j. H. Gilmore ; 4th Scrgt., L. H. Harns ; óth Sergt., A. E. Edsou. Tlie Ypaifauti Light uards. - Ypsilanti SetiUnel'. "Mr. Moaus Jami8üu, of Augusta, ha.s a uovv whlcli recontly gave birth to a calí having ouehead, but two poifeotly formad bodies. Each body has ita 'uil complement of legs. At the last accounts tuis creature was living and doing well." 8end it up to Barnum. His " greatest show onearth " wlll uot be complete without it. - As tíarnum's " greatest show on eartli " Wou't stop at Ypsilauti it is preíumed that a large numbor of Ypsilantiaus will so far forgt local jealousie8 as to come up to Ann Arbor uext Tuesday and see the elephauts. Those who can't consent to Imry the hatchet " tor that day ouly " wi'U level both sights on tue gorgeoua special traips of Y. T. 13. - By mvitation we last Saturday witnessed 'ue workiug of the "Dauutless" lieaper, manu'actured by the Anu Arbor Agricultural Company. The grain was eiceediugly heavy but the machine did such execution as to Prove it a great acquisition to the farmer. Aliia week it has been doing excellent woik ou 'ue farm of Mr. Ferdon. It is a self-raker.

- Yesterday morning the store of C. H Millen & Soa was closed, and the public soo learned that the tirm had made an assignmeu to James B. Gott, and also that the resdienc store, and other real estáte of C. H. Millen. a more or less incumbered, had beeu assigned I John N. Gott. Later we learned that John N. Gott had taken possession of the goods iu store on several chattel mortgages given to hiin to secure iudorsemeuts. We are not advised as to the amount of either assets or liabilities. Mr. Millen became involved several years ago, and has been laboring earnestly and heroically to go through, hut the fates and the times have been against him. The entire commuuity express nothing but generous sympathy for Mr. Milieu individually and tor the firm. Mr. Millen has long been one of our most public spirited citi.ens and popular business men, and the misfortuoes of such a man are a loss to our city uot easily repaired.