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Slippery Sherman

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As to the tcBtimotiy of inümidation ia the parishes of Eat and West Feliciana proponte!, ui neither of these parishes did the election ofticers make any protests with the roturns, and, as received by the Returning ISoard, the returns of tho olectionof 187G in those parisnes stood absolutely without ol jectiou. Aftorward Andersou, as Supervisor nf East, and Weber as dupirvidor of West Feliciana, undertook to furnish protests upon wliich tho lteturning B aul miglit rcjcct the vote of these parirfhes. It íb claimud they did tbis without canso, rolely for political pnrposes, and because of political promlMS, and it is in nvidoncu tliat thcy havethemselvesc mfofsed this. It is alo clainied that tho fact that there was not a Itepublioan voto cast in certain sections whieh had thoretofore beenlargoly Kr publican was the result of a eonspiracy to withhold tho Bepublican vote thero in order to afford a preËUliro for o'ainjiug 'hat resnlt 11 ol)tained by íñtbiiidatioD, and therety fnrnish grouud for the rejection of thoso parithes. Tbc committco have not considered that the ovidence you propoeo (and which has been taken by former comniittets) of certain alleged murdCTK, whippiDgs, and raidings not known to Wcber or Andeison, not conuected with the alleged conspiracy, and upon wbich neither they nor the partios engagcd in tho conspiracy acted, could have a beariug upon these uefitions, nor upon the action of the Keturning Board on their protests, and they thercfore decidcd not to tako the samo. Where, in the course of the exaniination, tho iritnesses (T. H. Jenks, Pitkin, and Webut) havo referrod to intimidation in theBe pariöhiit1, it has leen incidontally. or a bqariúg upon tho conspiracy. Óhould it ínter appear that the s])eciöc actn to which you refer have any hearing upon the conspiiacy, or upon the good faith of Weber or Anderson, or of the Keturuinp" Board in respect of thoir protoats, tho comn ttce will then considor the practicabilityof taking tetimony, and that in coutradiction of it, or oí perniitting you to use inöU'ad the reperts of such tcstiniony taken before the former committeer. Begpeotfalty, your obedient servant, Claukson N. Porren, . Chairman. To iho Uon. John Shermaa.


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