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A Nut For The Greenbackers

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We are indebted to N. K. Pairbauk & Co. for the oard of Thomas P. Miller & Oo. , bankers, No. 28 St. Francis street, Mobile, Ala. This firm were bankers all through the war of the Bebellion, and kept an accurate account of the gold value of Confedérate nioney during that entire period. The table for the let, lOth, and 2Oth of every month is printed on the back of the card. Here it is: ïm. WM. 1864. Date. I ' 5 Date. ? i 3 Date. ? 3 ' ■ e ''S Jan] ïlloo 120 Jon. ijlOol 310iJan. l'l00l)0 lü 100 122! 'o looi .w! 10 loo m ai looi lió 20 100 sik; 20 100 1 Feb llloo 125 Feb. 1 100 800 Feb. 1 1O0 1ÜO0 nvioo 128 I lo lm aio 101002000 "il 100 185 ' 80.100,31(1. 20 KXI 22l Mar. llim 110 Mui'. I 1 1 1 :'M Mar. 1100 20110 in no 160 ' 10 loo 385 10 100 2000 sn urn hui ai 100; 4001 -joioomo Auril IKX.1 165 AdHI 110(1] 4'0, Anril 1' 100 2000 10 lOOi 17010 100 410 ' 10 100 1SKK1 ui 100 nol! aolloo 500,! aoiooiwo May 11(J() WO May lilOO 5l5!JMay 11100 leoo 10 100: ïau ioioo,52oi ïoioosooo 20 lOol 19T ai 100 LScl' 20,100 2000 June 1. loo1 190, J-me 1 ion H25 June 1'looiSoo 10,100 18 ■■ 10 100 625,1 in In-. , ITi.i, 2,) l:xi IX' 20; 100 610 ' 80,100 1700 July l'lOo lil J"ly lllOO 700 July 111X117(10 10:100 ÏÜO'I 10 100 800,1 Hl 10011700 20,100 200it 20 KKI 900 10 loollNW Auk. ' 1 lm 200 Aub. 1 100 1000 Aur. 1,1002600 11 lui 200 KI 100 1200 ! 10,1110 '32(10 20 1110' 200! -■! 100 1300 ' 20:100 X(HI Sept. 1 10) 225 Supt. I lim 1400 Sopt. il 100 8000 10,100 236! 10 100 I.Xi 10 100 3000 M KHI 2001 20 100 1200 20 100 3000 Oct. lllOO 250Í Oct. 1 100 1IKI Oct. 1,100 2.VMI KlIlOO' 275 10 100,1100 1(1 loo 2.VI 20 lOOi 275 20 loo llcm IOIIihi 2W0 Nuv. 1100 300 Xov. 1 100 12(10 Nuv. 11(HI2500 10 100 ' 2(10 10 10(1 1300:' 10 100 350(1 20,100 3IKI 801100 1600 20 100 2200 Dec. I100 SOOilDec. 1 100 1750 I Deo. 1100 2700 10,100 SKI' 10.100 16001 10 100 275(1 20J10 : 20 100 1700Ü 20 1 100 2800 1865. DatL. CoMj Cur. DATK. 6fíí Citr. Jnnuary 1 Usi 34IKI .March 1 100 4700 in Hl 4(Hi 10 100 51100 20 ion :ai 20 100 5000 Fi'bninry l' 100 SOOO April 1 100 1 5000 10 100 4600 10 100 5ÖO0 2(1: 100 4500' It may be said that Confedérate money was redeemable six months after the independence of the Confederacy was aoknowledged by the United Statcs,und, as Üiat, could nerer oocur, no promiseto pay, even the most worthless, ever attached to them. Tho Confe(leracy had made them " flat " money, but that in the end gave them only the value of the panai1 ou whioli they were printeil. They uaii, however, a promise to pay, such as it wat, attached to them ; but the greenbackers would issue hundreds of millions without any promise to pay, good or bad. How any man witb a partiële of sense can beiieve that the " fiat" of tho Uuitêd States eould in such a casem:ike a " greenbaok " any botter than a "grayback " is past any reasonablo cotnpreliension. Tlio "gréya" commenoed Jan. 1, 18(52, at 120, m. ended at 5,500 on the lOth of April, 18C5. On the 12lh, wheu the collnpsiil, they were only worth what they would hring for paper-rags. It was literally tnio in Bichmond ind other SoutUern cities tl ■. men took a basketful of money to tue market and retornad witli a steak that they could comfortably put iu their pockoi. With such recent and stubborn facts befoie them, tho questiou reeurs, how can auy man believe in tho greenback theories and insist on putting them in practiee ? In the first plací!, it is to be feared that the leaders are arrant kDavea seekiug office without any regard to consoquenoes; or a eharitable conclusión would be that mauy of them are insaue on this particular subject. Very nlili! and often very iutelligent men become practieally monomoniols. The world is full of (ixamples of this kind, and they have been known to have wholo communities for a time in their following; but oommon sense and coinmon liouesty are sure in the end to assert their sway and leavo the leaders to flounder on in hopeless and perhaps harmless lunacy. Of course, the Greenback leaders trade lavgely upon the want of information on finanee among their followcrs, and the hardships whioli, it must be confessed , the lmrd times have ïmposed on nearly all classes of the oommunity. As bettei prices for fnrm pioducts very soon squelched out tho Granger movement, such a revival of the industries of the country that all who would could fiud satisfactory, not to say profttable employment, wcmld soob sileuce tlie Greenback agitators. They might pipe ever so loudly and they would scarcely flnd a beggarly few tó dance or even to listen to tlieir senseless mutterings gaíust all the experience


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