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Democratic County Convention

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A Democratie County Convention will be held at Fireman's Hall, In the city of Ann Arbor, on Wedne-ïday, February 2Sth, at 11 o'clock a. m., to choose 12 delegates to the Democratie State Convention, to be Leid at Lansing on Friday, the 2Sth day of February, 1S70. Kach cily and township wil! be entitled to delegates as follows: A 11 n Arbor City- Fittsfield, S lst wnrd, 3 balein, 4 2d ' 8 Saline, 6 M " 3 Seio, (i 4th " 3 Sharou, S 5th " 2 Superior, 4 Oth " 2 Sylvan, 5 Ann Arbor Towu, 3 Webster, 3 Augusta, 4 York, 5 Bridgewater, 4 Ypsüanti Tovn, 4 Dexter, 3 Ypiüanti City- Freedom. 4 I lst ward, 2 Lima, 3 2d " 2 Lodi. 4 3d " S T.yn.lon, :i 4th " 2 Manchester, 0 5th " 4 Northfield, 4 By order of the Democratie Connty Committee. W. D. Hakkiman, FETER TUITi:, öecretary. Cbairman. Democratie Caucas, The Democratie electora of the township o] Northfleld, will meet at Welsh's Corners, on Saturday, February '22, at 2 r. m., to elect delefrates to the CouDty Convention to be held at Ann Arbor on the 26th inst. JOHN RYAN, THOMAS KEARNET, CUltiSTIA.N F. KAl'P, Township Cuminittee. - Couuty treasurer FaircbilAforwarded $20,000 to the átate treasurer at Lansing, on Tuesday. - Miss Carrie Williams oarried off the prize ou Friday evcning given by the cotillion club for faucy masquerading dress. - Clayton, a three year oíd son of Jaa. M. Cole is dangerously ill with congestión of the lungs. Dr. Willard B. Bniith attends him. - About 1 P. M., Friday afteruoon a firo consumed a small barn pioperty of Jolin West, located in Fourth Ward. - Loss about $50. - Xnstallment nuruber one due on oourt house aid bonds amounting to $3, 1G0, was paid by city troasurer Schumacher to First National bank, last week. - Boys, indeed grown persons are so fascinated by the sraooth and tempting ice on Huron's waters that they can not forega the pleasures of skating on the Sabbath. - -n-iicLi ticuí ui uaiöoii, ira., aoteoted iu mutilating books in the University Library, paid $47, cost of replacing books, and a fine of $10 and costs, aggregating $57. - Dr. Kapp carne very nearlosing his Ufe Monday eveningin a run-away accident. His legs caught in the lines, and he was dragged several roda before he could extricato himself. - JohnKoeh, present incumbentpurohasedatadministrator'ssale onïuesday the property on Washington Street belonging to estáte of John Kettner doceased, paying therefor $1G38. - The school board, Tuesday eveuing, awarded C. H. Millen the contract forinsuring tho school property in this district, ho being the lowest bidder. The buildings are insured for $60,000. - Among seven applicants for the poaition of physician to the county poor, Dr. P. W. O'Toole, fornierly of Bay City, but engaged in the practice of his profession in this city received the appointrnent. - The Greenbackers will hold their county convention in tuis city on Saturday, February 22, at 11 o'clock, A. M., for the purpose of electing 12 delegates io uie state convention which meets at Laueing, February 28. - Airs. Charlotte Nichols, wife of the luteStephen Nichols died of infiamination of thelungs Saturdayin thiscity, at the rosidence of her daughter Mra. J. A. Knight. She was 72 years of ago and had been a resident of Sharon for 42 years. - Tho following is a statement showing the amount of business transacted at the post office in this city for the year 1878: Total receipts for stamps, onvelopes, etc, $13,133,30; box reuts and sundries, $2,179,80; salary of postmaster, $2,800; other expenses, $1,882. - An adjourned meeting of the Farmers' Club, comprising the Pomological and Agricultural Hocieties will be held at Firemen's Hall on Saturdny next, beginniug at 10 A. M. Quostions for discussion: " The Farmer, his position and duty as a citizeu and to his profossion;" " best breeds of cattlo for Washtenawcounty." -W. W. Bliss the tobacconist doing business on oorner under Gregory House will remove March Ist , to the store on South sido of Hurón street better known as the Lovejoy place. Tbo comer will theQ undergo thorough remodelingconsisting of a píate glasa front, marble floor, &c, preparatory to the removal of the Savings Bank diagonally across the highway. - Dalton Richards was found guilty in Justice Grangcr's court on Tuesday, of the charge of willful and malicious injury to a dwelling sitúate in town of York, property of Charles H. Peppor. The prisoner was flned $45. The verdict of the jury was appealed to circuit oourt. Defended by Johu F. Lawrence. Prosecuted by Mr. Hamilton of firm of Fraxer and Hamilton. - William Turner was before Justice Beahan Wednesday onthe charge of larceny. Price, a colored man who keeps a saloon on Fourth street gave him an order on the Toledo and Ann Arbor Railroad, signedby Gov. Ashley,for$10,50. He disposed of the order to S. Hendrickson, but failed to return the money, when a warrant was issued for hisarrest, Tuis amount he made good, and paid the costs, $ü,öO, when he was discharged. - At a meeting held in tho Armory Hall Monduy evening, the mombers of iompany a, eiecteci tüeloUowing iioard of Directora, C. E. Hiscock, Gilbert Bliss, J. F. Schuh, M. O'Brien and John Chase. Captain Kevenaugh tcndered his resignation, whieh had pre viously been offered to the Adjutant General and acoepted by him. He has been at the head of the Company for over ten years. An election will be held within a raonth to fill tho vacanoy. - Two cases of assault and battery were tried in Justioe Granger's court on Monday. Ed ward Bycraf t, Jr., arraigned for assaulting "Wm H. Wells, was tried by jury, which found him guilty. Fiuod $16. Paid. Frazer and Hamilton fordefense. Prosecuting attornoy Emeriek for the People. Oscar Lesuro charged with assaulting Adam Franciaoo, was tried by court and acquitted. No attorney on either side. All partios residente of this city.


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