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Yellow Fever Stricken Memphis

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One of tho charaoteristies of the American nation is an nnwillingness to look en umi witness any portion of its peopk Euili;r for the neeossaries of life. I mattere not what rcligious belief they espnnse, nor what their politioal pretlilictinns are, there is a eympnthetic chore ia tlie hearts of our people that is un loosed iu tiraes of disaster or desolation The alaci'ity with whicb sueoorwc.s fUrnishod to t fióse vtbo suffered by the Chicago flre astouiahed tho world. ïht promptness with whicü almost everj city and village responded to the cali o distress that cara e up from yellovv fever Btricken localities in the south last season, was withont parallel. Americaus in times of distress act upon and appreoiate theBiblical injunetion "It is more blessed to give, than receive." Although the plaguo has again broten ont in Meraphis and virtually depopulati d it of its white citizens, there is as yet no cali upon the sympathetic peoplt t[ other latitudes for aid. Thore are less white people to day within the city limita of Mcrnpliis, than thero wero a month later in 1878, Thia can be accounted for in the fact that last was the first season for man y years that ypllow fover made its appearance in the country, lts füce is becomitig familiar; tho diseaso is easier handled; a oertain Binount of precaution has been taken in advance, and people, anticipating, have prepared for removul in case of pearance. Tínit it has re-appeared in Memphis is credited to the iinpecuniosit} of an old woiuan who locked up infeoted apparel at its diaappoaranco last, and broiight it forth to do duty this, season. luvestigation reveáis tho faot tbat therein ia tlie secd that germinated so rapidlv, 6preading tenor over the city, bidding oitizons to ilee to tho mountains or other loealities, and ruining business teraporarily. Chioago's oalamity w;is traced tö a cow that kicksd over a lantern. Memphis' sorrow to a miserly old woman. But we opine the spread of the contagión is not wholly due, even though its origin be traceablo to, a careless and stingy woman. The lesson of last season, bitter and expensive as it was, failed to admouish the public anthorities of Meinphis to do their duty. Public good if not private health, wonderful as it may seem, appears to have received lit tle or no consideiation. The streets of the city, perinitted to accumulate filth wero not cleansed. Detective seweraa;e was not mended. Eemoval of soi) from vaults was negleeted until warm weather set in, and, though done at night in the coolest portion of the day, became 80 offensive as to coaipel citizens to vacate their residences for days at a time, to escape the sickening effluviutn. The Btagnaut, superheated atmosphere which prevailed there thirteen succcssive days occasioned the outbreaks which have already cost Memphis and the valley millions of dollars. The latest news briügs the welcorae tidings that the disease is abating. Thore is as yet no apparent renson to apprehend a repetition of the horrors of 1878. It is a bad disease about which to predict. There can be no doubt but that a substantial gain has been made in the sanitary conditions of towns in the valley generally, despite the blunder made at Memphis. The Jews areapersecuted class. Gen. Grant expelled thom from within the lines of the western army ; Hilton issued an order agaiast accepting tbein as guests at Stewart's hotel in Saratoga; and now a hotel keeper at Manhattan beach won't allow them entranco to hig building. Congressman Conger is even with our stal wart Zachariah. Western Preserve college, Hudson, O, took pity on and made hiin an L. L. D. Ilis f uil title no w is " The Great Objector, Hon. O. D. Conger, L. L. I). Justico triuinpbs in Kentucky. Buford who shot a judge for deciding a case aguinst him, has, after an exciting trial, been sentenced to twenty years imprisonment. Ile ehould have graood a gallows. Butler is goicg to enliven MassachuBotts politics again. A convention favorable to his nomiuation is called at "Worcester, Sep. 2, It is thought he will not run so well as lie did last year. The political events of last week were the speeches of Secretary Shsrman at Portland, Maine ; Ohandler and Garfiold at Madison, Wisconsin ; end Ewing at Lancaster, Ohio.


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