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- - Teeur.iseh will buildasolracrs monu inent. - Tbe Lansing spiiituabstic cim.pmeeting bas been a ery succeasful ufi'air. - There ia to be a methodist oaaipraenting aear Albion, begiuuing August V3. - Supervisors and families oi'Oaklsud county will picnic at Ofchard Late, Aug. 0. - Puntiac eleotg a mayor on Mondny to lucceed Thomas Mabley, removed to St. Louis. - A large rattlosuafee with 15 rattlo3 was captured in tliu streets of Pontiug ou tbo 2 7 1 li . - P:of. French of Marfhnl!, decides ! o stuy there and manage the pablicseliouls tor $1,400 per aiiiniin. - Chas. Clark oí' Clinton went to lonk after his realeatatein Arkansas. Quarautine law prevents return. - Pon Hurou will bava her Methodist . churcli, which was recently destreyed by tire, rebuilt in 100 days. - Mr. Borem of Ovid, tried to suicide, but hia iiiends have again got his huik afloat on the troubled sca of lite. - Bro. Clough of Clinton Newt hap gane to Lake Superior couiitiy to tiy and recupérate Mrs. C.'s poor health. - Allen Iïowe wants a divorce from his wife at Jacksou on the ground that she is an excessive drinker and smoktr. - Ninety eight ladit'3 petitioned tin Hudson council to enl'orpe the law, relative to closing saloons on Kunday, and at 11 o'clock week days. - K. Q. Parsons, once a lawyer at Coldwater, has been assigned a cell in the Kansas state prison tor obtuininj money under false pretensos. - Chris. Eisle, an Adrián Baloomst, gold liquor without filing hia bond] - and went to jail for 20 days, where ii; has bonds that he cannot lile. - Adrián holds religious service in in ore hard. Many a persen whom yju couldn't pullinto acburch can be coaxad to go iuto an on-hard after dark ! - K. H. Mortison of I. O. O. F. f au e has now nüed Packard & Austin of Stirgis for $20,000 dainages for selling his goods while ho was in jail last win te. - Fred Jordán of Battle Crnek, vho recently took a degree at the Universuy, has sailed for Gurmany to take a two years' course iu the celebratod Uinversity at Leipsic. - Tho Marshall metbodists, wlyse church was recently soldon a mortgage, met at tbe parsonago Tuesday tú see what can be dono about continuing public worship. - Hager of Jackson, won tbe 50-mile walking match at Marshall; time seven hours 53 minutes. Oa Saturday night he vanqnished Fortney, of Albion, in a 15-milo contest. - A Jackson dog of tbe female persuasión recently died and was given a funeral - casket, flowers, evergreens - carriages and frionds following the remains for a freo ride. -Tbe Marshall A. O. TT. W. refuse to pay the supreme lodge assessmeut for last year's yellow fever. They hold that the supremo lodge has no jurisdiction o-ici i'.-l'-i m luieinitii. - A company has been organizod in Jacküon for the purpose of manufacturing the Humboldt washir.g machine, an ingenious invontion by üilbort F. Burtch, a young mechanio of tbat city. - Frank Ealeigh, attorney many years atMonroe.and twiceelected prosecuting attorney of tbat county, started for Pueblo, Col., on Friday, 18th ultimo. Reaching (imncy, 111., he died frorn excessive drink. -The 10,000 people who wont toOrion tohear Doctor Zachariah Chandlerspoak, July 4, have not yet seen a statement of who lied - tbe doctor or tho Orion local committne. They know that the doctor was not there ! - A Weston, Lenawo county farmer was ejected from the house he was occupying on a charge of non-payment of rent. He revenged the injuiy done his feelingsby whipping the man wnoacted as attorney in the case. - An affair of honor oocurrod at Pontiao Monday between two youths, aged respectivoly 17 and 20 years. Three round3 were fired but no injury was done. The affair grcw out of a difficulty over "a sweet little dressraaker." - A Clinton girl inarried a man she had ltnown less than a week. About that long after the wedding sbe asked to be taken back to her old home. The little kuowledgo some folks get has to bo banged into their heads by hard knocks. - Mrs. Gertie Trueadoll went to Exchange Hotel in Holly to forbid the proprietor selling her husband liquor. She was pushed about eoinowhat lively. Causing his arrest for assault and bat tery, the lady recofered a verdict of $2U and eosts. - A tramp orJered Mrs. Wra. Smitb, of Ogden, Lenawee county, to put down her baby and follow him. She replied, 'I nevtir have killed any ono yet, but if I lay down this child I shall take my revolver and raake short work of you." And the brute fled in terror. - Battle Creek will hereafter live within hersoH', tho city counoil having passed an ordinance imposing a license fee of $10 per day on the sale of carriages made outside the city, and $3 per day on all other art.icles made outside the city, if the same class of goods are already manufaotured in the city. A rigid penalty ia provided for its violation. - Mr. Gporge Martin of Tecumseh has been amusing himself for the past six or eight years in the construction of a "full-rigged 100-gun war." - The boat is seven and a half fect in length, well proportioned and perfect in construction. The guns are of bras?, about threo and a half inches in lenglh, mounted on carriages. This elabórate toy will Boon be completed. - The Coldwater Rejniblican appears this week in new dress. Our ootemporary looks as neatly as possible. It is well edited, and the champion of luornlïty in politics as well as in private life. [ts local pape is alsoindustriously cared 'or. "What is lacking is a better adveriiaina; patronage, showing tho merohantf of Coldwater to be unappreoiative of ;he excellent newspnpor our cotempoary ia.


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