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To ti-y the EEFOIiE YOÜ BUY. It is Simply Wonderful IT IS SOLDAAT J F. SGHÏÏH'S Hardware Store. Real Estáte for Sale. tam UF MICHIGAN, COUNTY kj of Washtenaw, ss. In the matter of the estáte ofGeorge Fischer, Annie Fischer, Joho Fisclier Lewis FMcher, and Mary Fisclier, minors. Notice is hereby given.thut in pursuanee of au order granted to the undpMgncd, guardián of the estáte of said the Hou. .Tudge of Probate for the county of Wushtenaw, on the 2d day of July, A. D. 187Í) there wil] be soH at pabilo venduo, to the highect bidder at the south front door of the Court House in the' city of Ann Arbor, in the county of Washtenaw in said Statu, on Mo.ndaï, the Thihteenth day op Octobiok, A. D. 1879, at ten o'clock in the "forenoon of that day (subject to all eneunibranees by mprtgage or otherwise existiugat the time of the ■al), all Ihe rlght, title, and interest of suid miBora in and to the following described real estáte to wit Lot number thiee In block mimber thl-ee south range six east. The northeast part of lot number thi-ee in block number one south range number four cast, beiug iixteen and a half feet front and nfty feet dcep. Also eixteen feet oö of the west side of lot number two in bloei; number one south of range four eat ; all in the city of Ann Arbor iu the State of Michigan. Also a pieeeof land on section number thirty-two in town two south range six east, in thB State of Michigan , beginiiing on the north and south quarter line eleven ehains north of tbe center of said seetion, thence north along the quarter line thirtcen ehains and twenty-six links, thenco east along the south line of ISrown & Bach's addition to the city of Ann Arbor fourteen ehains and tlnrteen links to a stake. thence south four Chaina and six links to the half quarter line thence east alonir the half quarter line live ebains and eighty-eight links to the north and south half quarter line, thence south nine ehains and seventeen links to a stake, which is eleven cliains north of the cast and west quarter line of said section, thence west twenty ehains tothe place of bezinning, beiug twinty-lVmiainl nmeone-huiidredths acres of land more or less. Also a piece ot land on the northwest quarter of the northwest quarter of section number thirty-two in the township of Ann Arbor county of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, excepting the west seven ehains and flfty links wide ucross said quarter of said section, containing twenty-five and forty-four one-hundredths acn-s. Also the north half of the suuthwest quarter of saotton nunibei' fie and the southeast quarter of section number ivo. towo one south raniresiz cast. excentmg the west forty acres, in Michigan. Also lots number live, six, sr-ven, eight, nine, ten, eleven twelve, thirfen, and iourteen in Brown's second addition to the city ol Ann Arbor in said state. Also lots Bfteen and lixteen in Brown's Becond mldition to the city of Ann Arbor in the state of Miohigan. lío lots one, two, three, four, five and the north twenty-two links wide ot lot number six in block four, south of range number two east in the city of Ann Arbor in the state of Michigan. Dated, August 27, 1879. LKO.XIIAKD OEUNEE, Guardian. Estáte of Kilwaril Pacey. OTATE OP MICHIGAN, COUNTY O oí Wabhtenaw, ss. Ata session of the Probóte Court for the County of Washtenaw, holden it the Probate Oíiifíe in the city of Ann Arbor, on Tliursday, the twenty ciiïhth day of Aiijrust, in the yoar one thous;nl eitfht hu nd red anñ seventy-nine. Present, William D. Hurrimun, Judge of l'robate. In the matter ot the estáte oí Edward Iacey, decíase d. Onreadinfand filinar the petition, duly verifled, ofGeorge O. rue, praying that a certnin instrument now on flie in this Couit, purporting to be the last will and testament of said deeeased, may le admitted to piábate, and that he muy be appuinted execuior thereof. Thereupon it is ordered, that Monday, the twentysecond day of Septemoer aext, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be assigned for the hearing of said petition, and that tliedeviaces,Iegatees,and bein atlaw of mud deeeased, and all other persons interested in said estáte, are requireu to appear at a eession of said Cour!, then to be holden at the Probate office, in the City of Ann Arbor, and suuwcauae, if anv thera be, why the prayer of the petitioner ahould not bo pranted: And it ia further ordered that said petitioner give notice to the persons interested in biiid eetate, of the pendeney ot said petition, and the hearibg thereoí, by esuñiiii a eopy of this order to be pabliahed in the Michigan Argüs, a newspaper pnnted and cireuluted in said county, three Bucceaaive weeka previoua to said day or hearing. WILLIAM D. HARRIMAN, (A true copy.) Ju.lgc of Probate. William G. Doty, Probate Register. Estáte of Bdward Ciardiiier. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUjSTTY of Wiishtenaw. bs. At a seasion of the Probate Court for the County of Washienaw, holden at the Piobate Orh'ce in the city of Aan Arbor, on Tbursday, the twenty-first day of August, in the year one thousand tsight humïred and &eventy-nine. Present, William D.Harriman, Judge of Probate. In the matter ot the estáte of Edward Uardiner, deceused On reiiding-and ftling the petition, duly verified, of Elizabeth ('. (iardinor, prayinií that administraron of said estáte may be granted to horself or aome other suitable persOD. Thereupon it is ordered, that Monday, the flfteenth dtiy of .September next, ut ten o'clock in the foreuoon, be assigned for the hearing af said petitton.and that the heirs at law ot Baiddnoeased, aud all other persons interesled in iid eatate, are required to appear at a Besoion of said court then to be holden at the Probate ottice in the city oí Ann Arbor, and show c:tuse, if any there be, why the prayor of the peLitiouer should not be g-run ted : And it is further ordered tiiat said petitioner give notíce to the persons Interested in said estáte, ot the pendeney of said petition and the hearinL thereof, by causing eopy of this order tobe published in the Michigan Ahgus, a newspaper printed and circulated in a;iid eounty, threosucceaaive weeka previoua to said day of hearing. WILLIAM D. irAHKlMAN, ( A true copy.) Judi;e of Probate. Wm. (i.DoTY, Probate Register. E IV. COOPKR, ]ff. I., Accnncheur and Gyuaeoologlst. Offloe comer Mala and fluron ttroetfi, Auu Arbor, HOW IT PAYS phIrhy. 1. It is interesting as a game of chets, and may be learned by any boy or gift. 2. It is instructive in the pKiloaophy and correct une of language. 3. It disciplines the mind and cuttivates the memory. 4. It prepares young men lor tuceess in any of the profeimiotiB. 5 It enables young men and young women to obtain profltable vmployment, as reporters, at lesa cost of time and study tlian any other profession. 6. The telephone, the new method of telegraphmg by the voice, will Koon require many tknusands of Vhonographers as operators, in order that they may keep pace with the new instrument. . The AMEItlC-iy MAÏÏVAI, OF PHOJfOGltAfnr is the best self-instkuctok in the art. It will be sent, with Copy-Book, to any address, on reccipt of $1. THE PIIOlfETIC EOT7CAT01t,dentcd to Correct Spelling, Good Reading and Speaking, Rapid VV'ritiug, and general Self-ïmprovement, M published monthly, at SI. 50 a year. Addr&t, LEONEL A. LO.NtiLEï, Cincinnati, a T 1HSUY & SlïABOIT'S Bakery, Crocery, AXD FLOUR AND FEED STORE. We keep constantly on hand BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, 4c, For Wholesale and Itetail Tratle. We shall also keep a supply of DELHI FLOtTE, J. M. Swlft & Co's TSest Wliite Wheat Flour, Kye Flour, Bucltwlieat Flour, Coru Meal, Fecd, &c, &c, &c. At wholesalo and retail. A general stock of GEOCERIES AND PEOVISIONS constantly on hand, whieh will be sold on as reasonable terms as at any other house in the city. 6è Cash paid for Butter, Eggs, aud Country Produce genemlly. Gouds delivered to any part of the city without extra charge. RINSEY & SEAROIT. Ann Arbor, -Jnn. 1, 1S79. A NEW 0E9GEHY AT 16 EAST HURÓN STREET, GASPAR RSTJSEY Has opened a new stock of Grocerie at the above location, comprising everythinf in the line at bottom price - and purchased exclusively for cash. From a long experienee in the trade, retail and wholesalt1, lie bulievca he cun Bell gooüs aB cheap as the cheapest. CALL AND SEE HIS PEICE8! All Goods Warranted Flrst-CIass. Farmers produce wanted for which the highest cash price will be paid. ÍW Eemember the place, 16 East Huron Street, Ann Arbor. wznnliïTtnniï AND UPHOLSTERY ! A. MUÊIHLIG 35 SOUTH MAIN STREET, Vnnounees to the public that he is better thanever )reparcd to .show them a complete stock of Furni■ure, coiiipriyiiijj BED ROOM SUITES, PARLOR SUITES, SOPAS, TETES, CHAIRS, &c, &o., At priccs ivondcrfull lutv. üt0 Cali and see our stock. Esiate of Jamen Morris. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Washtenaw, ss. At a session oftbe Probate Court for the Oounty nf Washtenaw. holden t tho Probate Office ín the cfty of Ana Arbor, od Tburaday, th fourteenth day of August, in Mu; year oue thousund eihfc braudred and seventy-nine. Present, Wil Mam IX Harriroan, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of James Morris deceased, George C. Page, adminibtrator of sriid esta le, comes Into court and reprosents that he is now pc prepared to render bis final account as such náminii-trator. Thereuponitïsordered, that Wcdnesday, the tf-nth dav of September next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be assigned lor examining and allowiug such account, and that the hcirs at law of said deceased, and all other persons interested in said estak-, are required to appear t a sessïon of said court, then to be hoideu at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, in said county, and show cause if any there be, wliy the said account should not be allowcd : And it is further ordered, that said administrator give notice to the persons interested in said estáte, of the pendency of said account and the hearing thereof, by causing a copy of tb is order to be published in the Michigan Ahgus, a newspapor printed and eirculatiug in .said county, three auccessive weeks previous to said day of hearing. WILLIAM D. HARRTMAN, (A true copy.) Judge of Probate. Wm. G. Doty, Probate Register. Estáte oí" Klislia Freer. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY O of Wushtennw ss. At a seasion of the Probate jourt for the County of Washtennw, hoideu at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, on Friday, ,he eighth day of August, in the yearone thouaand eight Inindred and seventy-nine. Present, William D. üftiriraan, Judpe of Probate, In the matter of the estáte oí Elisha Freer, deceased . On reading and flling the petition, duly veiiiled, rf JiiïiiL'd A. Freer, praying that a certtin instrunent now on rile in this court, purportinf to be the Utwillaod testament of said deceased, niay be iidmitted to probüte,and that hti aud Amanda Freer nay tic appointcd executor and executrix thereof. Thereupon it is ordered, that Monday, the eighth ny ol September next, at ten o'elock in the toreQoon, be aMisned tor the hearing of said petitiou, nd thfit the deviseea, lega tees and heirs at law of aid deceased, and all other persons interested n said eatate, ure required to appear at a session f eaid (!ourt, then to be hoideu at the Probate 'iiice in the city of Ann Arbor, and show cause, ' any there be, why the prayer of the petitioner iiould not be ííTivnted : And it is further ordered lat said petitioner ffive notice to the persons nterested in said estáte of the pendency of said etition and ttie heuring thereof, by causiug a opy ot this order to be published in the Michigan nnus.a newspaper printed and circulated in naid )unty, three successive weeks previous to said day f hearing. WILLIAM D. HAHRIMAN, ( A true copy.) Judge of Probate. Wm. U . Doty, Trobate Hegister, LEGAL NOTICES. lístate of Jacob Haab. OTATE OF MICHIGAN", COITNTY O of Washtenaw, At a sessionof the Probate 3ourt for the County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, on Thursday, the thirty-first day of July, in the rear one thousand eight hundred and eoventy-nine. Present, William D.Harriman, Judgeof Pr ate. In the matter of the eatate of Jacob Haab, deceased. Onreadingandfllingthe petition, duly verifled, of Lewis Ilaab, praying that certain instruaent now on Üle in this court, purportinj; to u the last will and testament of said deceased, may be admitted to Probate and that he may be appointed ;xeeutor thcreof. Thereupon it ia ordered, that Monday,tht flrst lay ot September next, at ten o'cloek in the orenooneassigcsd for the hearing ot aaid petition, aud that the devisees, legatees, and heira at law of aid deceaaed, and all othej persons interestfd in aid estáte, are required to jipjieiu-atasertsion of said ourt, then to be liolden at the Probate olñce in th ity oí Aun Arbor, and show cause, íf any there be, why the prayer of the petitioner should not be ' ranled: And it ia f urther ordered that said ! ;ioner give notice to the persons interesad in said ' state, of the pendency ol said petifion, and the ' ïearing thereof, by causin a copy of this order 1 o be published in the Michigan Arcus, a ' apcr printed and circulated in said county, tliree 1 uccesBivo wct'ka previou to said day oí hearinif. I WILLIAM D. HARRIMAN, ( (Atrueoopy.) Judee of Probate. y. G. Doty, Probate Register. Estáte of Charlotte A. Holt. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY ►O of Washtenaw, as. At a seesion of the Probate Court lor the County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Oífice m the city oí Aun Arbor, on Piiday, the first dny of August, in the year one i thouannd eifrht hundred and seventy-nine. Present, WilliamD. Har riman, Judgeoí' Probate. In the matter of the esttite of Charlotte A. Holt, deceased. On readingand filïngthe petition, duly verified, of Effie J. High, prnying that adniinistraüon of the estáte of said deceased may be granted to Augustus lililí or some other suitable persou. Thereupon ït is ordered, that Monday, the flrat day of September next, at ten o'clock in tlie furenoon, be nssigned for the hearing oí said petition, and that the MUfl at Iriw ot Siiid deceased, and all other persone interested in aaid estáte, ure required to appear at a oo- loc of said Court, then to be holden at the Probate OÜice in the city of Ann Arbor, and nhow cause, if any there be, why the prayer of the petitioners should not be granted: And it is further ordered that Büid petitioners iive notice to the persons interested in Biiid estáte, of the pendency of said petition, and the hearing thereof, by causing a copy of thie order to be published in the Michigan Aiígü-s a newspaper pnnted and circulated in said county, three succcasive weeks prerious to eaid day of hearing. WILL1AM D. 3IARRIMAN, (Atruecopy.) Jude of Probate. Wm. G. Dott, Probate R.ef?is;er. pBEAT AVESTERIV KAILWAYvJ" Depots foot of Tlnrd and Brusk streets. Detroit time. Detroit time. Leave. Arrive. Atlantic Expiesa, Í4.10 a. m. ItO.OO p. m. Iay Express, 8.G5 a. iu, 6.3ü p. m. New York and Boston Express, 7.00 p. m. f9.45 a. m. Detroit Expresa, 12.45 p. m. Steamboat Expresa, 7.00 . m. íDaily. Daily exceptSunday. tExcept Monday. For information and tickets apply to H. W. Hayes, Agent M. C. B. R., Auu Atbor. W. H. KIRTH, WM. EDOAB, Western Pass'r AgTt. General Pass'r Agent r OODKICU HOUSE, SALINE, MICÉL Best Hotel in town. First-class in every respect. spacious sample room. Gueeta eonveyed to and 'rom Bailrouü l'ree. A. H. Goodeioh, Projj'r. BOARIING SCHOOL FOR ltOYS.i MICHIGAN MIL1TABY ACADKMY. Öend for (Jatulogue. ÜKCHAIïD LAKE, UICH. LEGAL NOTICES. Estáte of Ezra C. Sea man. STATE OP MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Washtenaw, bs. At a seseion of the Probt Conrt for tile County of Washtenaw, bolden at thí Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, m Í day, the twenty-first day of Julj, in the ycar om F thousand eight hundred and seventy-nine. Present, "Wïlliam I). Hairiman, Judge of Probate, In the matter of the estáte of Ezra C. Seainai, . deceused. On reading and filinif the petition óuly Terifïed of : John M. Wheeler, praying that a certain instrnment now on tile in this Court, purporting to be the : lust Will and Testament of eaid deceased, ma; be I admitted to probate, and that he may be appowted executor thereof. Tbereupon it ü ordered, that TnAuy, the twenty ' ninth dsy of August next, at ten o'clock in th iorenoon, be assipned for the hearing of said petition, and that thedevisee, leñatees and hcirsat iaw of said deceased, and all other pereons intereBted in said estáte, are required to appear ' l session of said court, then to be holden at tte Probate Office in the city of Ann Aïbo, and show cause, f aoy ther be, why the prayer I of the petitioner shoiUd not be granted : Ana it is further orderei thnt said petitioner give Botice to the persons interested ia said estáte, of the peudenoy of said petition and the herinst thereof, by eausiníJ a copy of this order to be publiahed in the Miohioan Ak;us, a newspaper printed and circulaled in said county, thrbe sucDeB8i?e woeks prcTious to paid day of hearing. "W1LLIAM D HARR1MAN, fAtruecopy.) Judee of Probate. Wm. O. Doty. Probate Eecrister. Chancory Nutlce. STATE OF MICHIGAN, TWENTTsecond Judicial Circuit- in Cbancery. Snit pending in the Circuit Conrt for the eonnty of Wiithtcuaw- in Chancery. At the city of Ypsilanti iu said county, on the twelfth day of July, A. I I. 1879, Maria L. Hart, complainant, tb. BaTid C. Hart, defendant in said suit. It satisfactorily I pearing ti me that the defendant, David C. Hart, i I ■ non-resident of this state, upon proof by altidavil of that fact, and on motion of Albort Graue, salicitor and of counsel for compliiinaDt, it is ordered thut the eaid delendantHDaTid C. Hart, cause bis appearance to be entered in this cause within thre mouths frem tbedateof this order, and that in ca of bis appearance he cause his ansrer to the eomplainnnt's Mil tobe flled anda py thereof lo be I served on the complainant's soïicitor within twenty days after service of a cop;-f sid Wil and notie ' of this order, and in default thereof that the said 3Ü1 te taken as eonfessed by the said defendant David C Hart.; and it is further ordered tliat witn n twenty days the said comiiiainant cause such olcTer to be published in some newspaper printed in said eotmty once in each week for six weeks succession. Üated, July 18, 1879. FKED A. HrXT, Circuit Couit ContmissiOHer, Washtena Countv, Miebigaxi, AlbeetCbane, CompU's Solicitor. npO THE FAEMEES OF WASHTENAW! It is a well-kuown fact and has not been denied iat the Toledo and Ann Arbor raïlroad the past ear hits put iu the poekets of the farmers of th ounty, at least three cents on all oí their whcat. íow three cents on 1,500,000 bnsheitv is 46.000 dolfirs ; quite a saving. Now we say, hring yonr rheat and patrosise the road where you will ftnd our old friends, Treadwell &■ Osboüne, ready to ay the hihest possible price that can be paid.- Ve trust, by fair deaWnj, wc will reeeive a fair prortion of patronage. Youra truly, TREADWELL & 0S3BORNE. Ann Arbor, July 23, 1S71Í Alttl 1 OU SALE. 60 acres, well improved, off the 'wut side of the est half of the southeast quarter of section eltvcn the townshlp of Pittsfield, 'Washtenaw County. rill be Kold eheap. Tercas easy. Enquire of L. C. RISDON, 27Aun Arbor. MicU


Old News
Michigan Argus