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jsj. .A. LBCTtTEE Sl To ITouag Moa. Just published, ín a Sealed Envelope, Price six cn's. A Leoture on the Nature, Treatment, and Radical cure oí Seminal Weaknesor SpemmtoH ihoea, indueed by Self-Abuse, Involuntary Km ís siors, Impoteacy, Nervous Debility, and Impedij menta to Marriage penerally; Coosumplion, Epii lepisy, and Fits: Meutal ana Phyeioal Incapacité ■ 1 EíOKERT J. CULVREWELL, M.l),, af thorof the "Green Book," &c. The world-rönowned author, In tifia admiraWe Lecture, clearly provea from his own expi that the awful eonsequencea ol Belf-Al lally removed without medicine, and witlioui i;tnL!"rous surioul operations, bougies, insi rnnsnts ix cordials ; a mode of ei uih:-; oertain and enectual, by which every Buílprer, no matter wliat liis cotuiition niay be, may uiit: li clutaply, privately, and racfically. ' Thia Lecture will prove a boon to thousands and tlion Sent, uiulci scal, in aplain envelope, to anj addreFS, on reeeipt of slx cenia, ortwo postage stöips. Addrees the Publieh ra, TïïE CUIiVEUWELL MEDICAL f!0., 41 Ann St., New York; Post ÖfllceBox, 86. HItX'S OFERA HOUSE. O. J. WiiPtnky. - Leseee aud Mámger. ONE NIGHT ONLY! IVTx'. Lawrence BARRETT Support ed by MR. EBEN PLYMPTON, And ü superb Company, in Sbakespeari'e )i1ay of Ailmission SI. O, TSc, aml r,l)r,. Seats can b mred al J.C. Watts' Jewelry sjore. For ful] list of eompauy nud castiof charactera icriptivo l)ills and progrumtueij CHAS. H. GEKTE, Agent. friLí-'S OPK1ÏA UO1JSK. Positively One Night Only ! SATURDAY, OCTOBEE 11, 1879. The Best Entertainment Travel ing! (JOTTIIOLD-OOTOROON CO.MHIX ATKIN' in Boucicault'a l'amous America! lrama of THE QCTOROON. Phennmioa] CnU of nhanctors! Superb aml Plctaresque Scenfo Kff.rts, naw and oiigiuul lusic, Old Douiiuion Colored VocaUatg. Admission 25, r,n an) 75 cents. Reserved seats now on sale at "Watts' Jeweïry Sinro. (Successorto J. N.Gatland) ONLY PRACTICAL ÊIA THEATBICAL L 'rif 0: 1 and Masquerado [OSTÜMER t , L mb in michiganj F Manufacturer and BHHBi Dealer in Theatrioal Goods and Wardrobes. Personal attention given to the production of AMATEUR PLAYS AND MASQUERADES. Orders by mail or telegraph will receive prompt Bttention. 120 Griswold Street, DETROIT, Mioh. F' N. OOI', jJ. Ël.. ii and '' Gynsecologiat. Óffic in aud Hnion (reoií, Aiiii Arbur.! ,ki 5)3 _____ cis The wlde-spread popularity oL Tlie Detroit Evening News s attested by Ussteady daily cireulation of over 22.000 copies. TheNrws waa m ver betiei supplicd hio inlelligence or more complete nuir■:■■ r porta tnan now. ft i puit by maiï to any address at Lhe rute of $5 per year, pos tas-e iucladed. The Echo íor i BBQ Tíie Ir.cno, the I'est and Cheapcst -, newRpaper in the 8ta:e, ia publiabed by tlie proprietors of The Kyening EÍews, and ; now entering upoo Eta second year. ín clubs of four or more ít can be liad for tiie small sum uf 75 eouts a yenr Tlir-ee Months Free ! scribers for The Eono for 1880 wül have the paper sent lor i he r mainder of this year free. All po si. mas tors are agenta, or subscribera may address TJ1E EVENÍKQ JÍEWS, XlRlrcit, ITlich. Kstate of Johu George Sclmïcrle. OTATE OF MICHIÖAN", COUNTY IO ol Wabhtenaw, ss. Ata possi-inof tho Piob.ite Conrt for the fïoanty of Wasbtenaw, holden at the Probate Offioe Ín the city of Ann Arbor, on ïhursday, the ninth day of Oetober, in the yoar one thous::nd eight hundred and seventy-nine. Present, WiUiam D. Hurriman, Jude of Probate. In the matter ot the eatate of John Geurge Scliiiierlo, doceased. On reading and Blingthe petition, duly veriftod, of ChristinaSchaierle,prayingthat a eert ai n instrument now on iiie in tliis Cuuit, puipmting to be the last wiil und testamftnt of said aeoeased, inny be admitted to probate, aud that she may be appointed executrix thereof. Tliureupon it ia ordered,th:it Jlonday, the third day of Novemüer next, at ten o'cloek in the forenoon, be assigned for the hearing of said petition, and tluvt the devisees, legateer, and heirp atlaw of aaid deceased, and uil other pei on iuterested in eaid estáte, are reqoired toappearat a sossion of süid Oourt, then to be bolden at the Probute oüiee, in the City of Ann Arbor and show cuse, if any there be.whythe prayer of the petitioner should not be granted: And it ia further ordered that said petitioner give notice to the persons interest ed in said estáte, of the pendency ot said petition, and the hearing thereof, by eanisinsr a eopy of this order to be published in tho Michigan Arous, a ■per jinntet! i ed in suid county, 1 1 to süid day of ■WLLLlAüi D. nARTÏIKAN, f A truecopy.) of Probate. fo-pT."proba testate of ïidward G ar diner. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY ot' Washtt naw, bs. Notice is hereby given, that by an ordei ol the Probate Court for the ty of washten - ■ on the a cond day of October, A. D, 1879, six montbs from that date were illowed for creditors t present their claims against theestate of Edward Gardmer, late of said county dtceased, and tb at 1. 1 1 creditors oí said deceaaed are requïred lo prese ni tbeir claims to Baid Probate Üourt, at Llie Probate Oilice in the city of Ann Arbor, for exatnination and allowanoe, on or beiore ■ na day ut April next, and tbal sucb claims will be heard bei ore siiid Oourt, on Efriday, the second day of Jat.uary, :ind on Fxiday, the second day of April next, at ten o'clock ín the ioienuon of each of said days. Duted, Aun Arbor, October 2, A. D , 1S79. WÍLLIA31 D. UARRIMAN, 41w4 Jude of Probate. Kstiite of Axte'ils- iïisune persons. STATE OF MICHIOAN, COÜNTY of Washtenaw. At a session of the Probate i'ourt for the County of Washtenuw, bolden ut the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arlior, on Monday, the sixth day of October, m tho year one thousand eiffht hundred and aeveuty-nint. Presenta William I). II traman, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Samuel Axtell and Sarah Axtell, insane persons. On readrogandflüng the petition, duly veriíW,of Frank L. Axtell, guardián praylng that he muy be -i to eell certüin reul estato bclonging to s:üd ïiisune persons. Thereapon it is ordered, that Saturday, the first dny of Xovoiub'T next, at ten o'clock in the foreDoon, beassignedforthehearingoi Baid petition, and that the oext of kin o! BaKI inaane persons, and all other persona interested in said estáte, are required to appear at ■■ said Court, then to be holden at the Probate' Oiliee in the city of Ann Arbor, and ithow cause, t any there be, why the pruyer of the pelitioner abouw not te granted: And it. ia furthfir oidered that sfiid petiUoner give notice to the persons ïnterested in said estáte, oí the pendency of suid petition and the henrintr thereof, by eausing a o py of Üiis order to be published in ihe Michigan Abüus. a newspaper priuted and eir: in said county, toree sxiccessíve weeks previous to said dy of hearing. WILLIAMD. II ARRIMAN, TA true oopy). Judge ot Probate. Wm. ö. Doty, Probate Register. SHEKFFF SAXE. A BRAM MILLAGE aü JANETTE jT" Millage vs. Mil ton .M. I 'ilion, ; By pirtueof a wril of execution ïssued uut of and under theseal of the ( ireuïi Court for theCoanty of Washteaaw, In chancery,4n the above entitled cause, to me directed and delivered. 1 did on tho twenty-sixth day of D. 1879, Levy upQn al) tbe right, title and interest of Ah ram Millage and Janette ' tnd to the followíng described ■ The easfc half of the nortiiwest qtiatter of section number t.wLjity-three, in liip four South, ftange .-i East, beiag the Township of Vork, Wshtênav county, :.Iic-hiir;m, vyhich above described real estáte l Bhatl solí at ptibiio vendue to tlw higlieat bidder at the Nortb the i ourt 1 1 ouse, in the city (f Ann Arbor, in sai! connty, on the fifteiínth day of kovkm . D. 1879, at 2 o'cloek in the aiternoon of sapd day. Duted October 3, 187!). ! H s. CASE, Bhoriff. E. V. Kisnk, Solicitor lor Defendant, Etate of William -Jc.Un Kuhn. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Wttshteaaw, ss A1 a aeasionof the Probate Conrfe for the Cuunts of Wftshtenaw, hplden at the L'ronaif ( Hlu-e, #iu the City of Ann Arbor, on Suturday, the twentieth day ol September, in the yeai one thouaand eighi hun Ired and seventy-nine. ni, n. Hartiman Judijeof Pr tite. In the matter of the estáte ui VVilliam John K uliii, decea&ed. On readiug and flling the petition, duly verifled, of Frederick C. Kuhn, uraying that a, certain instrunxent now on tile in tliis court, porporting to be the last will and testament of said deceased, inay be admitted to Probat,and that he ma y be appninted executor thereof. Thereupon it is ordered, that Mondar, the fcwenti il' day oi Üctober noxt, at ten o'clock in the beasaigcsdíor the hearing ui said petition, and that, the devisoea, legatees, ana heirs at law of said deoeaood and all othei pertsozu interested in said estáte, are required to nppearata Beesion of aid court, then to be holden at the Probate oiüce in the city (t a nu Arbor, and Bhow cauBe, ïf my there bef why the prayer of the petitioner shouhi not be granted : And it is iurther ordered that said petittonergíve notice to the persons interested in said estáte, of the pendenoy oí aaid peUtion, and the hearing tliBreof, by eausing a copy of this ordei to bepublisbed in the Michigan Abous, anewapaper priuted and cá'oulated n said connty, three ive weeks previous to said day ol hearing. WILLIAM 1. HAIÏKTMAX, (A true copy.) Judífe of Probate. Wm. G. Doty, Probate Register. rpO THE FÁBMER3 OF WASHTENAW! If is a "weli-kuown fact and bas not been denicd that the Toledo and Ann Arbor raUroad tho past year has put in the pocketa of the farmera of the county, at least three een ta on ;iil of their v; Now three cents on 1,600,000 bashels ie 4-%000 dollars; quite a saving. Now we t-ay, brin[ your wheat and patronize the road where you will find youi'otd fnends, Tbkadw ki.i, Sl 0 ibobnb, readv to bighest possibis price thut can be pala. - we trust, by fair dealing, we will receive a fair proportion of patronage. Vouis trnly, XREADWELL & OSBOBNK Ann Arbor, Julj 28, l79. legaWjíotíces. Sherlff's Sale OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUtfTY O of Wiishtenaw, s. Sidiiey W. n ys. Josepb ■ By víx ut ol o writ of íieri facías issucd out oí' aittl under i h ■. of Watshtenuw, ii; . utitled l did on the ■ninth day of Mareh, A. D. 1879, levy upou íi 11 thc right, i Ule and iutereM oi bíit&ror i;i ;ind to the foiloi i state to v it: A 11 lio se eeri i i ■■ la rid in the city ot A tin A roo r, county ol Washtenaw nd Btate of Michigan, sitúate i n Bi ■ ■ dditlon (novr eityj of Aun Arbor, deseribed as follows, viz.: Boing a uart of lot one 0} in block nine "■), di ■■■■■■i Lbed as follows: CorainencÏD1 ai the easteiiy cerner of the Vail House on Broadway, tbence at rigfat anglea with Broadway along the easteily Hoe of sajd I I y-six feet, thenee : witb Wall street uutil it jlntersects the northerly line of land heretofore deeded Lo l!enlamin Sherman, thenee along said 1 u tï to Maiden Lane, thenee nortlierly along Maiden Lane (8) feet, thenee at righl angles with Meiden I ane to tlio sou tli corner of land hei etofore '! e löd to David iu-o e, thenee along the westerly line of said Grove lot to Broadway, tfience along Broadway twentyBre(25] feet to the place ol' beg inning, inchiding whatever land there may bebetween the Vail and Iota. Also thatmeceor parcel of land sltuated iu Browo and FuUer's addltion to the said vill;ig'c (now ciiy) oí" Ann Arbor, according to 1 li'1 reI plat thereof, known, bounded and described :is follows, Id wit: Coixunenciüg on thc eaaterly i Wall street one hundred (100) feet from Broadwaj, thenee northeaeterly at rlght anglea to Wall atreet tbirty-iour and hal f (-jV2) feet, theneft easterly parallel with Wall Btreet twenty-six feet, thence atright anglea with Wall street, to Wall St, thenee northwesterly on Wll street twenty-six f eet to the place of beginning. Which above dew:rlbed property I shull sell at public vetfdueto the highest bidder, at the north door of the Court Eouse, in thc city of Ann Arbor, in said ooonty of Washtenaw Michigan, on the First day of Novbmbeb, A. D. 1879, at two o'cloek in the afternoonot' thatday. Dated, September 17, 1879. JOSIAH S. CASE, Sheriff. A. E. Hewett, Plaintiff's Attorney. Estáte of Edward Pacey. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY ÍO of Washtenaw, 88. Notice is hereby given. that by au order of the Probate Court for the Counjfy of Washtenaw, made on thc tiist day of October, A. I). 1879, six moDths from that date were allowed for ereditors to present their claims against. the state "f Edward I'acey, late of aaid county, deceased, and that all ereditors of said deceased are requiied to present their claitus to aid Probate Court, at the Probate Office in the City of Ann Ar hor, for examinatioc and allowance, on er .for.e the first day of April oezt, claims v.iil be hfcard befoVe saiö Court on Priday, the aecond day of Janu wj , and on Tburaday, thè firat day of April n ex t, at ten o'cloek in the forenoon ofeaeh oi said dayB. Dated, Ann Arbor, Oefcolier 1, A. P. 1879. WIL. Li AU D. HAERIMAN, 40w4 Jude of Probate. Notice of Iffortgase Sale. T) Y A MORTGAGE BEABING DATE .13 Ootober isth, A. I). 1872, and recorded in the offloe of the Register of Deeds for the eounty of Washtenaw, state of Michigan, on the 21 at day of October, A. I. 1S72, al ütne o'ctocfe and thïrty min-; utes a. m., Ín liber 19 of mortgages, on paire 805, Sylvanua Whipple duly roortgagea to .lolin A. Wat; pareéis oi land ly[pgand bei ag in fUe county of Washtenaw and state of Michigan, known and described as iollows, namely: The north half oí the northeast quarter of section tbirty-tour, and the aouth half of the northeast quartet of saïd section thirty-four, in hip four south oí" range seven east, together with the tenements, hereditaraenta and appnrtenancestherennto belonging." Defaulthas occurred in thecondttions of Baid mortgage, bywh loi' default the power of sale contained in Baid mortgage has operative. The amount clainied to be due on said mortgage at the date ot this notice is two thousand two hundred and forty-thrce dollars, beaides the attorney fee of thirty-flve dollars provided for in said mortgage. And noauit orproceedinghaTng been instituted at law torecover the debf nuwiemaininjfjSecured by said mortgage orany part thexeof. Notice is liereby given that said mortgage will be Poreclosed by n sale of said mortgaged I ancla and premiaea, whieh sale will be mude at public vendue to the highest bidder on the t u tekhth day of December, A. . 1879, at ten o'olock in the forenoon, al the ttouth door of the Cuurt House in the city of Ann &rbor in Baid eounty. ]ated, 8eptemter 18, 18 . JOHN A. WATLING, Mortgagce. T. Nindk, Attorney. Estáte of Francés Kliza I'aulkner. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Washtenaw, as. At a session of the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, on Tuesday, ihe twenty-third day of September in the year one thousand eight hundred aud seventynine. Present, Willlam D. Harriman, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of. Francés Kliza Faulkner, deceased. Franklin D. Cummings, administrator of said pst ite comes Lnto court and reprwfinba that he i-s now prepared to render hia final account aa such admlnlstrator. Thereupon it ia orderetJ, that Tuesday, the tventy-titst dny of Ootober nest, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, he assigned forexamining and allowing aueh account, and that tlie heira at luw of stiid deoeaeed, and all otherptrsona Lnterestedin asid estáte, are requïréd to appear at a sesion of said court, tben to be holden at the Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, in said county, and show cause, if any there be, why the said account Bhould not he allo wed. And it ia further ordered, that said adminiatrator give Qotiae totfae peisons interested in Baid estáte, of the penrlency of said account, and the hearing thereof bycausinsra copy oí tin." order to be iished in the Michigan Argus, a newspaper printed and (arenlatini?; in said county, three suc1 weeks previons to said d)iy of hearing. WI1.1.IAM I). HARR1MAX, (A trnecopy.) Judge of Probate. WM. G. Doty, Probate Register. lístate of Charles Warner. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY O of Wnahtenaw ss. At a session of the Probate Court for the (County of Wa&htenaw, holden ut the Probate Otiice in the city of Ann Arbor, on WmIaesday, the twenty-fourth day of September, in the yearone t.housand eiLht hundredand seventy-ninfi. Present, W'iliiam I). Harrimon, Judte of Probate, In the matter of the estateot Charles Warner, deoeased. i)n vadim; and Mine the petition, duly venfied, of Williani Warner, praying that cerUin Instrument nowon file i n this court, purporting to be the tast will and testament, of said deeeaseii, inay lic admitted totirobate, and that Wilüaiu Warner and Frederiok Warner may bo appointed executors Thereupon it is ordered, that Monday, the twenti.'Mi day Dl Octobernext, at ten o'elock in the torenoon, oe asKifitieti lor the beanng of said petition, and that the devisee, legatee and heirsst lawof said deeeased, and all other persons inti-rested in Baidetttate, are required to appear at a Bession of said Court, tlien to be holden at the Probate Oltice in the city of Ann Arbor, iind ahow cause, therebe, why the prayer of the petitioner should not be (rranted: And it ia lurther ordered that stud petitioner irive notice to the persons iuterested in stüd estáte oí the pendency of aaid petition and the hearing thereof, by cansina; a copy ot this order to )■ published in the Ml' A i;,'ir,i iiiwspaper printed and cireulated in said eouoty, three suocsBsiTe wecits previoua to said day ut' hearing. WILLIAM D. ITAUBIMAN, ( A true copy.) ■! lge of Probate. Wíl. G.Dorv, Probate Resistir, Estáte of Martnda 31. Colman. STATE OP MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Waahtenaw, ss. Notice il" reby elven that byan order "f the Probate Court for theCounty ui u ashtenaw, made on tliv nineteenth day ol September, A. 1). l79, six months from thai date s ere allowed for credltors to present their claims agalnal Lte "I Maiinda M. Colman, latí1 o!' said cuunty, deeeased, and that al] creditors "f aaid deeeased i., present trielr claims to san] Probate i lourt, at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, for ezamlnation and allowanee.on or befora the nineteenth day of Man-h next, and that buco claims will l1 heard before said Court, on Frlday, the nineteenth day of December. and on l'ri'lay, the nineteenth day of Mnr.ii next, at ten o'elock in the forenoon "f each of Baid davs. Dated, Ann Arbor, Si pti nibcr 13, A. I. 1S79. WILLIAM. HARKIMAN, :;fivl Judae of frobate. LEGAL NOTICES. Beal Estáte ffor Sale. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY kJ of Washieimw, sa. Iu the matter of the estáte of Nathan Buzzard, deceused. Kolice is hereby given, that in pursoance of au order graated to the undersigned adminietrator o!' the esLate of said deoeased. by the lïon. Judge oí Probate for the county of Washtenaw, on the ninth day of JuJy, A. D. 1878, there will bc sold ut public vendue, to the highost bidder, at the late reslaenceof saiddeceased In the township of Pittsfield in the countyof Washtcn;iw in s;iid !-t:ite, on Satuuüat, ïiik Twentyfifth day OF Üotoekk, A. D. 1879, at ten o'clock in the f orenoon of thut day (subject to all en cura - brances by mortgnge or otlierwise existing at tbe time of the death of said deceased) the foUowing descrihed real estáte, to wií : Beginning ni a point iiithe west side of section number fouriii thetownship of l'ittf-iield, in the county of Washtenaw in ■an, nineteeu chains aud si vunly-nine links ifdin the northwest corner of saidsectfon, running thenoe north eiylity-seven degrees and fifty minutes cast thrce chains ;md ilnfty-six links to a stake one chafn and twenty-seven links from a cherry tree ten laches iu diameter which beara snuth eifíhtj-seven dejrreea west, fchence south two degrees east fifty-four link-, thenee south eightynine degrees and ten minutes east six chaina and eighty-eigbt Iink3 toa Btake thirty-siac and a half links from an apple tree fifteen inehea in diameter wiiu li beara south twenty-eight degrees soath Bixty-eighi degreea east onechain and eighty-aeven links, thenee eouth eighty-four degreoi? east four chains and flfty-four links to the Intereectíoti èf two ditciu-.s thence south six degrees easl eleven olaína and twen ty -two links tö the recoffnied eat-L and west quarter line, thenee west on the quarter line aeventeen chains and twenty links to the peeognfoed qnaner stuke, thenee north on the seetion line thirteen chaina and fifty links io the place of begtoning, nnd con tuining tventy-oiie aerea of land inoreor less. Pated, Sept. fí, 18'9. BKN.JAM1X E. NICHOLS, Adramistiator. lístate of Klisha Freer. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY oi' Washtenaw, u, Notiee is hereby gíven, f-.hat by tn order of the Probate Court f or the Connty ot waal tenaw, made od the fl f teen tb dayoi Septem. ber, A. J). 1878, sixmonths brom Chat date were alLowed forcreditors to piesent their claims against the estáte of Elisha P'reer, late of said county, deceasert, and that all creditors of said deceasec arerequired to present their claims to sakï Probate Court, at the Probato Office in the city of Ann Arbor, for exaraination and allowance, on or before the iiiteenth day of March next, and that BUoh claims wiH be heard before aaid Courfc, on Honday, the ñfteenth day of Deoember, and on Mondaj, the fiCtcentli day of March next, at ten o'cloek in the forenoon of each of said days. Dated, Ann Arbor, September !6, A. I). 1878. VLLLIAM D HARRIMAN, 38 w 4 Judge of .Probate. Estáte of Selden Marvin. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Washtenaw, ss. At a sesnion of the Probate Court for the County of Wa.ihtenaw, holden at the Probate Oitiee, m the city of Ann Arbor, on Tuesday, the tbirtieth day of Septamber, in the yeai ouo tlioaaaud eiht huudred and aeventy-nSne. Piesent, W'illiain D. H arriman, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte oí Selden Marvin, deOn readingand filinp the petltlon, dnly verified, of Oorast ook F. Hill, praylng tluu ha or somt' other anitable person may be appojnted adminiatrator ot tlu' estáte of s;ti.l cleQt Thereaponii isordered,thatMoDday,tbe twentyseventli day of Oi-tober next, at ten o'cloek in the íoreuoon, be asigned for the hearing of eaid petltion.and that the heira at law of said dei i and all other persona intcrestod in aaid estáte are required to appear at a seaeion of ( id court, tlien to be holden at the Probate Offioe in the city of Ann Arbor, and show cause, if miy tliere be, why the prayerof the petitioner should not begrantvd : And it is fuitberordcred that aaid petltionet give Dotioetothe persosa interestcd in said estáte of the pendency of said petition nnd the hearing thereof, by cauamg a oopy of thu order to bepubliahed iu the UICHIGAN Aii(.Ub, aiicwspn-perprïntori aud circulated in auid eounty, tbree succesaive weeks provioua to said day of liraring. WILLIAM. 1). KAKKIMAN, (A irue copy.) J„,]ge oi Frobute, Wm. Q. Doty, Probate Register. LEGAL NOTICES. Keal Estáte fo Sale. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY kJ oí' Washtenaw, ss. In the matter of the estáte ofGeorge Fiseher, Annie Fisober, John Fischer, LewisFischer, and Mary Fisoher, minora, Noticeil bereby given,that inpursuanceuf an order granted tojtho undersigned, guardián of theestate of said minors, by the flon. Judge nf Probate for the county of Washtenaw, on the 2d day of July, A. D. 1879, tliere will be sold at public vendue, to the highest bidder, ut tLe south front door of the Court House in the eity ot' Ann Arbor, in the county of AYashtenaw in said State, on Monday, the Thiiiteenth iay OF Octobkr, A. D. 1S79, at ten o'elock in the forenoon of th ut d;iy (subject to all encumbrancesbj mortgage or otherwise existingat the time of the sale), all the right, title, and interest of said minort in and to the following described real estáte, to wit: Lot number three in block mimber three south r:ni2e six cast. The northeast part of lot number three in biock number one south range number four east, being mixteen and a half feet front and flfty feet deep. AJso Bixteen f eet oif of the weBt side of lot number two in block number one south of range four east ; all in the city of Aun Arbor, in the State of Michigan. AIso a piece of land on section number thirty-two ín town two sonth range sixeaM , in tbe State of Michigan , beg-inning on th north and Bouth quarter line eleven chaíns noithoí the center of said section, thence north along th quarter line thirteen chaina and twenty-six links, thence east along the south line of Brown & Bacn addltion to the eity of Ann Arbor four teen ehains and thirteen links to a stake. thence soutb four ehains and six links vo tin1 huif quarter line, thence east along the half quarter line five chainB and eighty-right links to tbe north and south half quarter line, thence south nine ehains and eeventeeo links to a stake, ■which is eleven ehains north of tbe east iind west quarter line of said section, thence west t wenty ehains fothe place of begïnning, bein(f twenty-four and nineone-liundredths acres of land more or lees. Also a piece of land on the nortbqunrter of the north west quarter of sectioo nnmber thirty-two in the towuship of Ann Arbor, county of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, ex cepting the west geren chaina nntl flfty links vide across said quarter of s:iid section, containiug twenty-fivi' and forty-four one-hundredths acres. AJbO the north half of the south west quarter of sectioo number flre and the soulheast quarter of section number live, town one south range six east, except ing the west forty acres, in Michigan. Also lot number five, six, se ven, eight, mne, ten, eleteo, twelve, thirteen, and fourteen in Brown's second addition to the city oí Ann Arbor in said stat. Also lots öfteen and sixteen in Brown's second i3' dition to the city of Ann Arbor in the stnte of Michigan. Alto lots one. two, three, four, five and the north twenty-two links wide of lot number j in block four, south of range number two east iö the city of Aun Arbor in the state of Michigan. Dated, August 27, 187. LEONHABD GRXJNER, Guardian. Kstate of Kliza Ford. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Washtenaw. ss. At a eession of the Probate Court for the County oí' Waahtenaw, holden t tb Piobate OiHce in the city of Ann Arbor, on Monday, the rifteentb dtiy of September, in the yesr one thousand eight hundred and teventy-nme. Present, Willium D.Harriman, Judtfe of Probftti In the matter of the estáte of Eliza Ford, deOn readingand fïlïnfr the petit,ion,dulyTerïfied,o' Charles IJ. Riclinjond,prayin that he or som e othe suitable porson rnay be appointed administrator of tbe estfite of said deeeased. Thereupon if is oidered.that Monday, the tbirteenth day of October next, ut ten o'elock in th forenooiï, be assined for the hearing of said pfltition.and that the heirs at law oí saiddeceased, and all other persons intereated in s'iid estáte, ai reottired to appear at a session of s;iid court theo to be holden at the Probate office in the city of Add Arbor, and tihow cause, if any there be, why the pniVLM1 of the petitioner shouïd nofc be granted ; And it is further ordered that said petitionei giTÖ notie e to the persons iaterested in sald catate, ot the pendenoy i)f Baid pefcition and the hearing thereof, by eausin? copy of this order tobe published in the Michigan Ajuus, n newspaper rinted and cireuïated ia said county, three suoce ks previons to Raid day of bearinf . WILLIAM D. HAREIMAN. (A fcrue oopy.l Judge öf Piobate. Wm. Ü. Dwx, Probate Kcgiater.


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Michigan Argus