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- H. B. Dodsley ia buying apples at Grass Lake for Henning. - An opportunity is open for a boy to learn the printing business at this office. Apply at once. - Oldfolk's concert at the opera house this evening for benefit of W. C. T. U. Mrs. Dr. Tyler, director. - Mrs. D. T. McCollum, a resident of the 5th ward, and of the city nearly forty years died on Sunday al the age of 72. -The library of the late Fr. Van Erp havinp; been bequeathed to Sister M. Stella, has been received at St. Vincent's orphan asylum, in Detroit. The Unitarian pulpit will be filled next Sunday morning and evening by Rev. Ira. C. Billman of Jackson who exchanges with Mr. Sunderland. - On Monday night Ann Arbor lodge of A. O. U. W. held a sociable in their rooms, where the members spent a pleasant evening the occasion being enlivcned with music, recitations, &c. A span of colts that was being driven by P. McCourt of Northfield ran away near the jail Saturday and the carriage was completely demolïMied Mr. P. fortumxtely escaping unhurt. - Sunday as Charles Haines was practicing with a revolver it was accidentally discharged, and tho ball, which was a large one, passed through his hand. - Ho will be laid up for some time. - On Saturday an action was begun ia circuit court by Frederick Durheim ogainst John Kehune of this city for slander. $1000 damages wanted for alleged defainatory uso of the tongue. Pólice report for Sep.; vagrancy 4, assault and battery 3, drunk 2 ; total 9. The poor were provided for thus; lst ward, $8.40; 2d, $4.01; 3d, $14,53; 4th, $22.22; óth, 8.34; 6Lh, $2.82. Total 00.37. - Nothing more need bo said than to 6imply announce that Lawrence Barrett, unrivalled upon the stage, will appear at the opera house on Thursday evening in the famous Shakeeperean play of Hamlet. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Beal tendered a reception at their residence on Friday evening to the friends of Mr. and Mrs. Prof. J. is. Steere, tne latter Demg married at Jackson by Dr. Cocker on Wednesday prior. - Upon Tuesday evening next at the residence of Henry W. Rogers, Esq., at eight o'clock, Prof. D'Ooge will lecture upon Scblieinann's discoveries at Troy for the benefit of the Ladies' Library. - All are invited. Admission ten cents. - An immense temperance meeting was held in the opera house Sunday. - Eousing speeches were made by Dr. Cocker, Prof. Olney, and R. E. Frazer. The greatest enthusiasm prevailed as 120 young men walked lorwaid and signed the pledge. Next Sunday the Rev. E. B. Pope is to speak for the club, and as it will be his last Sunday here before moving to Chicago, the boys are expected to turn out in forco. - About midnight of Monday two drunken persons indulging in loudmouthed profanity wended their way up Washington streef, ud opposite the to aid tvoa of Register of Deeds Manly, halted, espying a dog reclining upon Mr. M's doorstep. One of the party fired at the animal, the report awaking Mr. Manly who promptly appeared on the street, and would have increased the interest of the occasion had not the roughs beat a hasty exit from Ihe spot. The ball ïnissed the canina lodging in the sill below the door. - Manager Hill is adrling to the attractions of the opera house by way of placing matting upon the main and gallery stairs, removing one of the inBide entrances to the gallery, and other minor things. It is his intention to enforce order in the gallery hereafter. Boisterous persons will be ejected and arraigned in court. Yelling, singing and stamping have been carried to a disgraceful degree, keeping many excellent entertainments away from the city, and stopping residents attending those that come. It' souie method can be devised toábate the nuisance of munching peanuts during entertainment, Mr. Hill will deserve as he will receive, the thanks of the community. - Dick Johnson is inclined to lovo not wisely, but too well, tho wife of another colored man Mrs. George Moss. Dick courageously visits Mrs. M., at her home, to the great chagrin, of course of her husband who does not fancy his marital rights should bo thus wantonly invtfded. Dick was enjoying the smiles of Mr?. M. on Monday pretty lato in the evening. Suspeoting all was not right, George placed himself seatinel-like at the door of the stairway near MeMShon's hall and quietly awaiteil results Towards the wee siua' hours of the ruorn, heavy footsteps awoke the slumbering gaard, and face to face the 'genmen met. Dick hurled an epithet, neither i)retty nor true at George, whereat George raised his crutch and brought it down upon Dick's upper story. Dick pulled a revolver and shot - George says at him, but Dick says into the stroet - just to scare George a little. No arrests have been made, and thus the sable de8Cendants of África rest their case. - There was a hurvest festival at the Unitarian Church Sunday. The church was beautifully decorated with autumn leaves, flowers, ferns, grasses, grains and fruits. At tho back of the church in the shape of the letter A, was the following inscriction : " The first fruits of the lau thou shalt bring into the house of the Lord." At the rigbt of the altar was n sawbuck aud stick of wood which rested upon a moss-covered bed sotne six feet square, which representad preparing tor winter. In front of the pulpit was a pyramid of fruits and vegetables, and on either side a profusión of flowers artistically arranged. From the side Iight8 hung suspended baskets of fruits. Tho pilasters in the front of the church under the gallery were triinnied with evergreens, grasses and sheavt'S of wheat and oats, which by gas light presentad a magnificent spectacle. Duting the day the church was visited by several hundred oitizene and students, and in the evening an immense congregation was present to hear the pastor, tho Kov. J. T. Sunderland, who discoursod on "Making Preparation for tho October of t :e " -Supervisors meet on Tuesday. fío do tlio pomologists to elect oflicers for ensuing year. -In beautiful gilt letters upon the tlirco windows of their law office are the names of Craraer, Frueauff, Corbin, - An undivided one half of the Gregory Houso property bas been sold to Philander Chandler and vvifo of Ohio, who expect soon to reopen tho hotel .connected thorewith. - OfBcers-eleet of Zion Lutheran church sabbath school: Superintendent - Pred. Schmid ; Assistant - Wm. Merkle; Secretary - "Wiu. Belser; Treasurer- Fred l3ölser; Librarian- A. D. Seyler. - Tbo sporting part of tho fair was continued on Saturday ly two persons, each of whom believed they owned the speediest steed, and put up $100 on their supposed trotting luerits. John Coyle entered Lady Coyle; Jumes Kelley, Gray Kelley. Fovruer won. - At the annual meeting of the Young Men's Musical Society held last wuuk, tho following officers were elected : President and director - C.i Bchaeberle ; Secretary - A. L. Sinkey ; Treasurer - A. ilunn ; Ex. Committeo- C. Schaeborle, H. Allmendinger and A. Schmidt.