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A Poverty-stricken Millionaire ! f This seems a paradox, but it is explained by one of New York's richest men. "I don't count my wealth in dollars," he said. "What are all my possessions to me, since I am a vlctim of consumption ? My doctor tells me that I have but a few months to live, íor the disease is incurable. I am poorr than that beggar yonder." "But," Snterupted the fnend to whom he spoke, "consumption can be cured. If taken ïn time, Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dlscovery will eradicate every vestige f the disease from your system." "I'll try it," said the millionaire, and he did; and to-day there is not a healthier, happier man to be found anywhere. The "Discovery" strikes at the seat of the complaint. Consumption is a disease of the blood - is nothing more nor less than lung-scrofula - and it must and does yield to this wonderful remedy. "Golden Medical Discovery" is not only an acknowledged remedy for that terribly fatal malady, when taken in time and given a fair trial, but also for all forms of Scrofulous, Skin and Scalp Diseases, as White Swellings, Feversores, Hip -joint Disease, Salt-rheum, Tetter, Eczema, Boils, Carbuncles, Erysipelas and kindred ailments. ' ' ' WANTED, FOR SALE, ETC. TiAKM FOB SALE OH KENT.-One hundred - acres, north-west of Ann Arbor. Kuquirc at Arous office. LOST- A real lace handkerehief on the eveninft of the 6th, probably on State Street. Finder will please return to 42 Madison st. and receive reward. 13-17 TO RENT.- A grood dairy and garden farm of about 50 acres, % ot sl tnile north of this city. Will rent cbeap to a good tenant. Apply to J. S. Mann, 32 E. Huron Street. 13-17 FOR SALE.- Young horse warranted good and sound to work doublé or singrle, weig-ht 1,300, Apply to E. G. BIsbee, three miles northeastof Ann Arbor. 13 - 17 L ADÍES cali from 9 to 11 a. m., and from 2 to 5 p. m., for f ree trial of ' Blush of Itoses," for beautifying the complexión. 13-23 Mrs A. M. AUSTIN, i ünity Block. DO FOU want a situation in Chicago or the west? Writetho Employers' Assoeiatien, Cbioag-o, 111., what you ean ao 1NN ARBOR NURSERT- Fruit and orna-t mental trees. Peach and pear a specialty. Grapt) vinea, berry olants, etc. Price low. Jacob Ganzhorn, head of Spring street. FOR RENT- Two commodious pleasant flars, wlth six rooms eaoh in New Block on State itreet. Enquire at No. 18 South State street. 6ti- tf. NOT1CE- I hereby forbid any one trustinjr anybody on my account without a wiitten order from me, as I will be responeible for no debts eontraoted except by myeelt in person or on a written order, Patrick Boneb. PIANO TUNER.- We have secured Mr. C Phelps, an expert piano tuner and repairer to do our piano wort. He comes to us most highly recommended. Any orders left for talm at our store will recelve prompt and caref ui attention. Allmending-er Piano and Organ Co. FOK SALE.- Three and a half lots and house, No. 25 N. Ashley street. House ten rooms, cistern, water works, barn,all ingood repair. Lots sold separately if desired. Lower lots $250. Lot with house. A decided barfcain. Enquire of F. J . Schleede, State st., or 25 N. Ashley st. REPORT OF THE CONDITION -OF- m riRST mimi wi, -OF- ANN ARBOR, At Ann Arbor, in the State of Michigan, at the close of business February 26th, 1891. resources. Loans and iiscounts, $292,153 09 Overdrafts, 2,041 80 IJ. S. Bonds to secure eirculation,... 25.Ü00 00 Other stock, bonds and mortgages, . . 6,600 00 Due f rom approved reserve agenta,. 42,705 67 Due f rom State Bank and Baukers,.10,462 15 Billsin transit 500 00 Real estáte, furniture and flxtures,. 13.950 00 Current expenses and taxes paid 533 96 Checks and other cash items 898 39 Bills of other National Banks. 7,312 00 Fractional Currency (including nickels) 276 68 Specie (including gold Treasury notes) 11.169 35 Legal-tender notes, ... v,762 0(J Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer (5 per cent of circulation)... 1,125 00 Premiums Paid 5,500 00 Total ■ $427,989 89 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in, $100,000 00 Surplus fund, 16,00000 Other undivided proflts 32,217 10 National Bank notes outetanding, ... 22,500 00 Dividends unpaid 120 00 Individual Deposits subject to check 175,641 61 Demand certiflcateB of deposit, 81,51118 Total .$427,!)Ha S!) STATE OF MICHIGAN, I Countyof Washtenaw, fbs' I, Sidney W. Clarkson, Cashier of the above named Bank,do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. S. W. CLARKSON, Cashier. SubBcribed and sworn to before me, this flf tb. day of March, 1891. DENSMOKE CRAMER, Notary Public. CORRECT-Attest: JNO. M. WHEELER, ) PHILIP BACH. y Directors. EDWARD TREADWELL. 1 TRUCK i STORAGE. Now we are ready with a NEW BRICK STOEEHOUSE for the Btorage of household goods, pianos, books, etoves, etc . of househeld goods and pianos carefully done. All kinds of heavy andlightdraying. Freight work. C. IC. GODFREY. Eesidence and office 46 Fourth Avenue North. WTelephone 88._ag